Monday, November 22, 2010

Please Join Us for the Resolution Revolution!

Photo (c) Uliasz

A Call to Action: Prepare Now for Your 2011 Goals...
And Help Others Do the Same

"Isolation is the dream killer," says career coach Barbara Sher. So I propose we work together on our resolutions for the New Year! You don't have to sign up for anything, and you needn't spend any money for it. It's just this simple: if you want to join us, you're in!

Just watch this blog and/or my snail-mail newsletter from now until the end of 2011. My other readers and I would love to assist you with your problems and questions, and to cheer for your victories!

You can join in the conversation by commenting on the blog, calling me (610-385-3766), or by email at I'm not harvesting contact information can even send in your comments or questions by snail mail with no return address if you wish! (Susan Cleaver, P.O. Box 586, Douglassville, PA 19518-0586).

This is a stand-alone, complimentary program that does not require attendance at any fee-based programs that I may offer on the topic.

Many of you are familiar with SMART goals, I'm sure, and if we add a few more elements to this system, it becomes even more effective. I call it WAPP:

~Work with a group for encouragement, accountability, and fun!
~Always state your goals in terms of what you do want, not what you don't want.
~Prepare your goals ahead of time so you can work out any wrinkles in your plan.
~Put your goals in writing.

Now let's take a look at the SMART goal process:

My goal: 2011 will be a year of Audacious Self-Care for 200 or more people who will take successful action related to what I'll be writing and speaking about throughout the year. These people will notify me about their successful action so I can keep track of how close I am to my goal.

What's your Audacious Self-Care Goal?

How is my goal SPECIFIC?
~I will share my Audacious Self-Care Message at five or more events that I will lead or participate in .
~I'll write 25 or more posts on this blog that will help others with their Audacious Self-Care.
~I'll write 12 or more articles in my newletters this year on the topic of Audacious Self-Care.
~I intend to have a record of 200 or more anecdotes from readers, clients, and participants that explain the Audacious Self-Care actions they took and how they helped.
How is your goal SPECIFIC?
How is my goal MEASURABLE?
~The articles and posts mentioned above will each be 50 words or longer.
~The minimums mentioned for the posts, articles, and anecdotes in the section above will provide clear ways to measure my progress as well as the achievement of my goal.
How is your goal MEASURABLE?
How is my goal ATTAINABLE?
~My goal is doable with a bit of a stretch. A little stretching is good!
~Putting numbers to most of the sub-goals was not to difficult, because I had past performance to guide me.
~The tricky one was the one where I'm intending 200 or more reports back from folks. I have not made a request like this before, and the goal requires actions that are out of my direct control. Like Scarlotte O'Hara said, "I'm counting on the kindness of strangers [and friends.]"
How is your goal ATTAINABLE?
How is my goal RELEVANT?
~This goal supports the personal growth and happiness of the those I'll be able to reach with it (including me).
~This goal supports my values, and I'm excited about getting started. Now that's AUDACIOUS!
How is your goal RELEVANT?
How is my goal TIME-BOUND?
~The actions and results will take place during the Year 2011.
How is your goal TIME-BOUND?
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom."
~~Victor Frankl
Let's help each other choose the powerful responses to our resolutions in 2011!
Thank you,
***Gift certificates are available for Coaching and/or Reiki. Contact me at or call 610-385-3766.***
***All of Susan's posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Active member of the TriCounty Community Network, where we're "partnering to improve health, social and environmental conditions" in our area. ***

Monday, October 04, 2010

A Public Service Announcement and My Two Cents

Photo (c)iStockphoto/Rebecca Grabill

Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun! (R)

A six-week parent training program designed by the Love and Logic (R) Institute, Inc.

Designed for parents of children who are between the ages of 0 & 6.

Would you like to feel more confident as a parent?
Would you like to have more fun parenting?

Would you like to feel more relaxed at the end of the day?

This program will take place from 10:00 to 11:30 am on the following Wednesdays:
October 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 10, 17
The classes and childcare are free!
Location: Grace Lutheran Church, 660 N. Charlotte St, Pottstown, PA
Register by Friday, October 8, by calling Whitney Leone at
Family Services, 610-326-1610 (x233)
If you don't live in this area, watch for the program in your area if you're in the USA! This is "America's Most Practical and Entertaining Parent Training."
Now for My Two Cents About Our Relationships with Young Children....
In last week's post, I wrote about interdevelopmental relationships between adult friends. Today I want to discuss the interdevelopmental relationship between an adult and a young child.
We put a lot of energy into helping children develop into happy, healthy adults. But sometimes we forget how they tune up our development as adults. Here's a brief list of ways they do that:
~Young children give us an excuse to play. During our busy days, play gets shoved to the bottom of the list. But play is extremely important for adults, too.
~They are quick to forgive; what great role models they are!
~Young children are spontaneous, a way of being that also gets the short straw in many adults' lives.
~They speak their minds! Add a dash of tact, and you have a great recipe for stress reduction in adults.
~Young children reawaken in us the creativity that was schooled out of us. What a blessing!
Spontaneously yours,
**Contact me at to set up a discounted exploratory coaching session on parenting or just about any other topic! Sessions can be done by phone or in person. No strings attached.**
**The "My Two Cents" portion of this post is the copyright of Susan Cleaver.**
**Active member of the TriCounty Community Network, where we're
"partnering to improve health, social and environmental conditions" in our area.**

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Power of Interdevelopmental Relationships

Photo (c)
I'm excited to share this post with you because:
~It's a great chance to introduce you to another Featured Artist, Tina Marie, and her work.
~Along with the email below, it's an outstanding chance to share with you the power and joy of interdevelopmental relationships.
~I'm showing off this unsolicited testimonial from Tina Marie and our valued friendship! :-)

We've been coaching each other since the 1970's, even though we didn't call it that. We just clicked so well that we instinctively provided each other with nurturing and wisdom that we didn't even know we were capable of!


My Recent and Treasured Email from Tina Marie


You'll be proud of me, I hope.

I published my first co-authored book, and the proof is on its way to me. I already have enough advance orders to make a 200% profit on my investment!

I created a website for my new business. It is just in draft format now, though it is out there: I found two distributors for my music and just need to add PayPal links before promoting the site!

I am working with my Godson, Eric, to create music also, and play music for events. Here's the draft of our website:

The Wonderment Journey continues, and the Best is Yet to Come...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


So, can you see how our relationship is interdevelopmental? There is no way that I could have made this happen for Tina Marie, no matter how powerful my coaching may be.

I dropped seeds of inspiration in some very fertile soil here. I shared my intuitions with her. I mirrored to her how she looks from my eyes. I encouraged her. And she has done the same for me on many occasions.

Tina Marie knew that she had to tackle these projects in her own way and time, just as we all do. And she's in the Divine Flow of things, as you can see! That's because she doesn't strive, resist, or try to '"push" the river. She waits for the intuitive clicks to whisper to her about the right actions at the right times...for the right reasons!

When you check out her sites, you'll see that Tina Marie is skilled in many areas, and that she creates the quiet and stillness she needs in order to hear the "still, small voice" of her intuition.

She has always been an amazing woman, and this past year in particular, she has gone well beyond amazing...and in ways that many, many people and animals on this planet will benefit from. And I am definitely one of those fortunate people!

Maybe you have some amazing friends like Tina Marie. If so, please leave a comment and let us know about them!

If you are looking for amazing friends who are suited just for you, here are the "secret sauce" ingredients:

~List the qualities you'd like to have in those friends. (Caution: Qualities only; don't focus in on particular individuals.)

~Develop these qualities in yourself.

~Go to where people with these qualities hang out and interact with them. The rest will take care of itself. You'll love it!

All my best,


P.S. 'Want some support carrying out these ideas? Contact me at to set up a discounted Exploratory Coaching Session with me by phone or in person!

P.P.S. Many thanks to my blog followers, SPIRITCOACH & DENAGRAD! I appreciate your interest!


And one more thing...I'm an active member of the TriCounty Community Network, where we are...."Partnering to improve health, social and environmental conditions" in our area. Check us out at!

For someone with my interests and passions, TCN is a great environment in which to make a difference AND to enjoy the company of great friends who are up to amazing things!


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Connection: The Passion of Artist Jean Richard Esther

Above is a photo that was taken while I was interviewing Jean Richard Esther, my Featured Artist for this blog post. I first met Jean at a local Farmers Market. Yes, you read that right...a Farmers Market, of all places! (
The market hosted several children's activities, and Jean was there on behalf of Building a Better Boyertown ( Jean was drawing amazing caricatures of the children.
His three business partners ( were also there, taking photos and helping children with craft projects inside a custom-remodeled school bus called the ART Mobile! ( The ART mobile is also a project of Building a Better Boyertown ( and their artists' venue, Studio B (
Jean is a gifted teacher of art classes for kids and adults at Studio B and on board the ART Mobile. He also does commissioned portraits, and he explores almost every kind of art you can imagine!
Meanwhile, Back at the Farmers Market....
I took my grandson aboard the ART Mobile to make crafts, and then to Jean, who was sitting just outside the bus. Jean and I chatted while he drew my grandson's caricature...and for a long time after he was done. We soon learned that we have a lot of common interests and the same enthusiasm for art and for life! So, that's how Jean came to be my Featured Artist for this post.

Connection and the "Wireless Web"


The common thread that ran through Jean's answers to my questions can be summed up in one word: connection. Connection to others through art is Jean's passion. He loves to see his students' eyes light up when he helps them see the world in a whole new way...a way that enables them to translate it into art.


During the interview, I asked Jean about the spiritual aspect of his work that I was sensing. Again, the word connection came up...connection with his students and connection with his Higher Self or the Universal Mind. Jean calls this the "Wireless Web." What a great term for it!


Connection and Contribution


Also on a spiritual note, Jean uses art and his talent as vehicles for making his contributions to the world. Again, it was about connection...connection with others through art, and the connection of his students to themselves and their passions. The world needs more passionate people!
Don't forget to check out the sites I mentioned above. Interviewing Jean Esther was an absolute joy!


All my best,



P.S. Contact me at to schedule an initial coaching session by phone or in person at a reduced price. Your initial Reiki session is also at a reduced price!


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***


***Active Member of the TriCounty Community Network at

"Partnering to improve health, social and environmental conditions." ***


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What's Your Commitment Level When Working with a Helping Professional?

There are lots of us out there...Helping Professionals such as coaches, tutors, counselors, therapists, consultants, and mentors, just to name a few. Assuming the professional knows her stuff, is ethical, and is capable of building a rapport with you, how can you predict the results of working with her?

The Rest Depends on You

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1) Am I a life-long learner?

2) Am I willing to reach more than half way (and out of my comfort zone) to co-create the change that the professional and I are working toward?

3) Will I be tempted to quit at the first unrelated but unexpected impingement on my time or money, such as a costly car repair?

4) Worse yet, will I use this impingement as a ready excuse to quit?

5) Will I respect the boundaries and time of the professional while still asking clearly for the assistance I need ?

6) Am I willing to accept help, constructive observations, and, last but not least, hearing about what I do well without reflexively deflecting the compliment?

The Bottom Line

A Helping Professional can commit with you but not for you. What priority are you putting on the change you want to make?

All my best,


P.S. Is it time for you to get moving toward what you want? Contact me at to set up a discounted intro coaching session by phone or in person!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Active member of the TriCounty Commumity Network. "Partnering to improve health, social and environmental conditions." See ***


Monday, June 28, 2010

Meditative Journaling

Dedicated to Our Wonderful Participants at the June Women's Retreat...

At a weekend retreat I co-facilitated a few weeks ago, we experimented with doing some very unstructured journaling immediately after the meditative experience of completing an 11-circuit finger labyrinth. I'd like to share my results with you, followed by some more meditative activities that can enhance your journaling.

Upon completion of the labyrinth, my mind presented me with an image of a piece of loosely woven cloth. I drew the image, and these are the words that followed, unedited:

I am a weaver of life's threads...even the ones that some may think are too short to save. Every piece contributes to the holistic life. A glint of gold here, a splash of silver there. Quiet colors, lively textures...whispers and nubs. Thick pieces and thin pieces, inviting us to touch its amazing geography. Life's bumps and windy spots. So windy, we can't always see too far ahead. But we don't need to. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other...follow your nose. And trust.

You'll be surprised at what's rumbling around in your mind! In addition to using labyrinths, other activities to try just before journaling are:
~relax in nature
~sitting meditation
~receive a massage

Experiment with these, and please let my readers and me know what you experience!

My best to you,

P.S. Contact me at to set up a discounted introductory session of Coaching or Reiki! Coaching can be done by phone or in person.

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local collaborative for the betterment of health, social, and environmental factors.***

Monday, May 24, 2010

Stress-Reducing Ideas You May Not Have Thought About

~Dedicated to my May "Stress-Less Evening" Participants~
...May the Calm Be with You!

1. Make sure your goals align with your values.
2. Declutter. You'll be amazed at how much stress it was causing you!
3. Trust. Author Dr. Susan Jeffers says, "Trust the grand design."
4. Be of service. Gandhi said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
5. Be a life-long learner.
6. Learn to be mindful in the moment while keeping the big picture in view.
7. Be proactive. It's the polar opposite of procrastination, and it feels great!
8. Be part of a community.
9. Were you taught that "little white lies" were no big deal? I'd rethink that. As nationally-known coach and author Cheryl Richardson says, "Learn to speak the truth with grace and love."
10. Be sure you have clear personal boundaries in place about what you're willing to do, and what you consider to be acceptable behavior toward you from others.
11. Embrace simplicity.
12. Be selective about the amount and the type of information you allow into your head. Consider joining the growing number of us that rarely watch TV, especially the news!

Serenely yours,


P.S. Email me for more info on a discounted introductory coaching session by phone or in person. Discounted introductory pricing is also available for your first Reiki treatment!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local organization at***

Monday, April 19, 2010

Escape from the Need to Escape

"...set up a life you don't need to escape from." ~~ Seth Godin, business and leadership author

This is one of my favorite lines from Godin's book, Tribes. The quote resonates with me because I've noticed how often the word "escape" comes up in our everyday reading, conversation, and the advertising we see and hear.
Have you noticed it, too? It seems to be everywhere:
~"Escape from it all with our special getaway vacation packages!"

~"Buy this book for summer escape reading!"

~"These new styles of exotic prints create a getaway in your mind!"

Now, please understand, I'm not advocating a spartan or puritanical existence for any of us. I'm all for vacations, retreats, breaks, and variety in our lives. In fact, I believe they are essential to our health, happiness, and success.

Please ask yourself this question: "Am I running toward something, or away from something?" Your answer will clarify where your motivation is coming from.

This theme dovetails naturally with that of my last post, which was about positive habits. When you give yourself credit for the daily habits you have put in place to move you toward your goals and into your vision, you can live joyfully in the moment.

If you're living happily in the moment of a well-designed life, you'll find that you aren't constantly daydreaming about escaping from the "grind," because you're not experiencing a "grind" to begin with! As I mentioned in my last post, " are living a life of grace and style that will make you proud to be who you are!"

If you're still working toward living this way, you've probably noticed people who already are. They generally have tons of enthusiasm and positive energy. They love their work (even if it's volunteer work). And they smile a lot!

I used to meet these people and wonder, "How do they do it??" In the last six years, though, I've been cutting myself a path to the same joyful, playful lifestyle. Now I'm smiling a lot!

Here are seven questions to ask yourself:

~Am I taking great care of myself, physically and emotionally?

~Do I have strong personal boundaries in place? Am I gently but firmly enforcing them with others?

~Am I asking for help when I need it?

~Does my personal environment at home, work, and play serve me or work against me? (Hint: Clear the clutter! I don't think you have time. I don't feel like I have the time, either. But try it; you'll love the results of having organized spaces to rest, work, and play in. Take it from a recovering clutter bug!)

~What about brain clutter? Well, you probably have the form of negative beliefs that don't serve you anymore. Dump 'em!

~Do I fear change? Again, it's likely that you do, because it's built into our DNA as a protective mechanism. But it often works overtime and to our disadvantage. (Hint: It's usually disguised as feelings of resistance!)

As you can see, while a lack of money or time can be challenging, they don't have to compel you to escape your own daily life! Why wait? I'm a very busy person, and I'm not rolling in money. But I'm happy!

My advice to you: find or make a reason to smile today, right here and now!

My request of you: please leave a comment for my readers and me about how this turns out!
", well lived, makes every yesterday
A dream of happiness,
And tomorrow, a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to This Day."
~"Look to This Day!" from the Unitarian-Universalist Hymnal
Thank you and bless you,
P.S. 'Need help with making this happen? I offer you an introductory coaching session by phone or in person. Contact me at or 610-385-3766 to set up an appointment. The fee is nominal, and there's no further obligation. Just show up on time, ready to start. High pressure is simply not my style!
P.P.S. This blog has an alter-ego! It's my snail-mail newsletter than comes out every two months, called "Susan...Unplugged." Contact me at or 610-385-3766 to sign up with your regular mailing address. The newsletter is complimentary in the U.S. If you live outside of the U.S., I may ask for some help with the postage. [Unless, of course, you're a monthly international client! :-) ]
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the Tri-County Community Network, a local human services organization at***

Friday, March 26, 2010

Positive Habits as Building Blocks to Success

Daily living does not have to be the hum-drum, mundane, "same c#*p, different day" routine that many people see it as. If you play your cards right, day-in and day-out living can have something much deeper going on beneath appearances.

Rather than being something to "get through" while we're waiting for the "good stuff" (weekends, vacations, big achievements, celebrations, etc.), daily living can be the birthplace and incubator for our most exciting, joy-filled experiences!

Ask yourself, "What habits do I employ daily that contribute to my overall happiness and produce great results over time?" Maybe you feel like you are taking two steps forward and one back, over and over again. If so, great! Believe it or not, this is how most things get done! Author David Allen says, "The value of a future goal is the present action it fosters."

The "one step back" is part of the human experience. As long as you have more forward steps than backward ones, consider that to be progress! And speaking of steps, we're all trying to put our best foot forward, which is fine. Just don't be misled by stories of "overnight success"! More likely, the person invested several thousand nights (or days) in his well-designed habits.

Instead of comparing yourself to others when you don't have all the details of their journeys, look to nature as a role model. The beautiful works of nature's art are the results of steps that are so small, it takes time-lapse photography to show them! Each tiny change builds on another.

Daily life is anything but mundane. In fact, if you operate out of a sacred trust that your daily unsung efforts are making a difference, you are living a life of grace and style that will make you proud to be who you are!

To your success,


P.S. Contact me at to set up your introductory coaching session with me for a reduced fee. Sessions are available by phone, email, or in person. You're under no obligation to continue beyond this session; no pressure!

P.P.S. to Locals: Complimentary Wellness Day in Boyertown, PA, on April 10! Contact me at for details. Stop by my table and say hi!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member and Education Committee Chair for the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services non-profit organization at***

Monday, February 15, 2010

From Recession to Renaissance

When something starts to unravel, as our economy has in the past two years, its future can look pretty bleak. But I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

There's a natural law at work here that I learned from author Julia Cameron. That is, when something or someone becomes unraveled, they eventually end up reintegrating at a higher level than ever!

Leadership expert Seth Godin talks about this in his book, "Tribes." He speaks of changes that are taking place in our culture that will lead us into what I like to call a modern Renaissance.

Master Coach Dave Buck calls it the "Inspiration Economy," where personal fulfillment trumps fancy titles and earning, earning, earning to the point of burn-out. In the economy that has just crumbled, many folks got caught up in trying to earn way more than they needed so they could buy more "stuff" for their external environments in order to fill their echoing internal voids.

Granted, there are people with high incomes who love their work and maintain balance in their lives. The cultural changes that are happening now will be an easier shift for them. They may even make good mentors for the rest of us!

Several current thought leaders are predicting a shift in how folks spend their disposable income. The trend is expected to be moving away from spending it on material things and more toward investing it in themselves. They may pursue life-long learning, hire a coach to assist them in reaching a meaningful goal, develop a latent talent, etc.

According to several experts, "old school" corporate middle management is going to have to dangle something more than 14 "carats" of gold in front of folks to keep up employee retention. Workers are putting a higher value on the other factors that contribute to a high quality of life.

I'm delighted with the prospect of this new mindset rippling through our culture! For over 50 years, I have not fit into the flow of the old way of doing things....

"S.C. Phone Home"
I've felt a bit like E.T., with at least some curiosity about my "home planet" because this sure didn't seem be it! :-) When this modern Renaissance takes hold, I may still want to "phone home" occasionally. However, the emerging cultural mindset will be much more friendly to people like me who want to live balanced, creative lives.
Can you relate? Our time has come!
Excitedly yours,
P.S. Contact me at to set up a "First Step Forward" coaching session by phone or in a reduced rate! Then we can decide together if you would benefit from setting out on the coaching journey.
P.P.S. to Locals...Attend my complimentary workshop in Pottstown, PA, on March 16! Topic: "Think Better, Thank More, Feel Great!" Contact me at for details.
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services non-profit organization, at***
