Monday, December 28, 2009

Don't Let Worry Push Your Buttons

Here are some tips...

~Be proactive about being prepared well in advance for events, etc. Just this one change has done wonders in reducing my stress level and taking worry off my plate. Make it a way of life!

~Trust yourself. Make a reasonably informed decision...then move on.

~Bodywork such as massage and Reiki, and the gentle movements of Tai Chi and yoga help to relieve anxiety and stress.

~Give challenging issues your attention when you're feeling fresh and rested. If they start to distract you at other times, write them down and put them aside until you're feeling your best.

~Gandhi said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." I practice this, and it absolutely works! Instead of worrying about something as it is, I become the change I want to see.

~Be very selective about the kinds of media that you let into your psyche. Unless your job requires it, you don't need to be overloaded and stressed by all the bad news that's hyped up on TV, radio, and the Internet!

~Buddy up with a friend who is willing to be your sounding board in exchange for the same favor from you. Speaking your worries out loud to another person helps you keep them in perspective. It forces you to get clear enough about the issue to relay it to another.

~Journaling is another great way to clarify your thoughts and feelings about an issue.

~Look for the hidden "benefit" behind your worry. A small worry can distract you from a bigger challenge that perhaps you could make a difference on. But you feel a little unsure about it, so your subconscious mind grabs any small worry it can find as a substitute.

~Don't "feed" your worries. Like sea gulls, they will come to you in multitudes if they see you as a friendly host. Like attracts like...the Law of Attraction applies to sea gulls and worries, too. :-)

~Once you've done all you can, write down your worries and put them through the shredder! This is a great ritual for releasing worries.

~This next ritual is even more fun! Write your worries on a piece of toilet paper and flush 'em!
Happy New Year!
P.S. I offer discount pricing for your introductory coaching session by phone or in person. Give it a try...maybe we can become partners in making your plans for 2010 unsinkable! Contact me at for an appointment.
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services organization at***
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Twelve Tips for Designing and Using Affirmations

Here we go....

1. Affirmations need to be clear and to the point, so make sure the goals that the affirmations are growing out of are crystal clear and specific.

2. Now that you have clarity around your goals, check to see that the goals are a good fit for you before designing affirmations around them.

3. Look at your goals again. Who do you need to be in order to reach that goal? If your goals require you to become more outgoing, that would be a good place to start developing affirmations. Examples might be: "I enjoy getting to know new people in my life," and "I have a lot of value to offer the people I'm meeting."

4. As you design your affirmations, keep in mind what you personally need to hear to make it easier to reach your goals. The affirmations that your friend is successfully using may not resonate for you at all.

5. Don't share your goals and affirmations with negative people as they are developing. Their remarks may stall your progress or halt it altogether. Protect these seeds of your future accomplishments.

6. Always create your affirmations in the present tense. Don't start with, "Someday I will...." Your subconscious mind will always see those in the future, so you'll find them difficult to manifest.

7. Always state your affirmations in the positive, such as, "I enjoy excellent health." Statements such as "I don't want to be sick," will keep your subconscious mind focusing on sickness.

8. Have a plan in place for when limiting beliefs pop up while you're doing your affirmations. Consciously reverse those old beliefs, which transforms them into affirmations, too!

9. Does your environment reflect your intentions? It's hard to convince yourself that, "I'm in control of every aspect of my business," when you look in your office and see disorganized piles of papers cluttering every surface in the room.

10. Do your actions reflect your intentions? Are you scouting out the new clothes you'll buy when you lose weight? Can you imagine how you'll look and feel in them? Do you know where you'll most enjoy wearing them? (Whatever you do, don't berate yourself for not fitting into them yet!)

11. Use a multi-sensory approach to introducing new affirmations to your subconscious mind. You can write them, read them, listen to a recording of them, and make art about them!

12. Have respect for workings of the Universe that we can't see or comprehend. Leave the timing and the details of exactly "how" things will manifest to these unseen forces. They are your co-creating partners!

To your success,

P.S. I was interviewed this week by Davette Harvey on Blogtalk Radio! Davette and I had great fun recording it. Please check it out at !

P.P.S. Contact me at to set up your complimentary intro session or telesession with me! Check back over my last several posts for examples of possible formats...or just come with what's on your mind!

P.P.P.S. to Locals:
Santa's Secret Workshop
An easy, pleasant way to get some of your holiday shopping done!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009, at 6:30 pm
Hosted by McCormick Chiropractic in Pottstown
Admission is free, but you must register with our host at 610-705-0201.
I'll have gift items and gift certificates for coaching and Reiki available there!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a non-profit human services resource at***

Friday, October 30, 2009

Stop Striving and Start Thriving!

Here are five reasons to stop striving:
  1. Striving creates a feeling of lack. It puts us out of alignment with what we want, because it has us focus on what we don't have.

  2. Striving keeps us living for the future. We lose touch with mindfulness and gratitude for what we already have.

  3. Striving is very poor self-care. It can burn us out.

  4. Striving turns other off.

  5. Striving blocks creativity!

Sure, we can have goals and move toward them. We just need to leave out the hurry, worry, pining, pushing, and struggling that striving fosters. We can let inspiration gently take us by the hand and lead us to our goals.

All my best,


P.S. Does this complimentary intro session have your name on it?

***Plan B: Transforming Transition***

In this session, we'll strategize for your smooth transition to Plan B with...

The Five R's of Transformation:

1) Regroup

2) Reframe

3) Reserves

4) Resilience

5) Rewards!

Whether you've taken on a Plan B or one has been thrust upon me at to set up a complimentary in-person or tele-session!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Make Your Home Your Sanctuary

"You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success -- or are they holding you back?" ~~W. Clement Stone


Make your home a comforting, supportive place for you, your family, your friends, and your creativity! No matter how modest your home is, with a little imagination you can find places in it to relax, play, and welcome friends.

Create harmony with and for the people you live with. They are part of your environment! Help your kids to feel that it's their sanctuary, too...a haven away from the stresses of school and peer pressure. Help them decorate their rooms in ways that reflect their interests.

Make your home a desirable place for the kids to invite their friends to. Older kids need a safe place for their belongings if there are little ones in the family.

Have spaces that encourage family interaction as well as spaces for quiet times, even if it's just part of a room or even a closet that has been remodeled into a desk, craft area, or home altar.

Declutter and organize your space to make room for new things and experiences to come into your life. Let go of things that no longer reflect your taste or interests. Less is more!

Always keep supplies on hand for creative projects for the kids and the adults. When the muse visits, you'll be ready! Personally, I'm often inspired by the materials themselves, so keeping lots on hand is essential for me.

Do your own decorating or work very closely with whoever is doing it. You want your home to reflect you and to make you happy and relaxed.

Do you feel overwhelmed when you try to study Feng Shui? If so, just follow the suggestions in this what pleases you, don't allow clutter to accumulate, and arrange things in a way that allows a free flow of energy through your home.

Make a gratitude list of the people, pets, and things that make you revel in spending time at home. If you like pets, they are great Feng Shui for you! Our little Silky Terrier, Sunny, keeps our spirits up and the energy moving with her antics. I call her our VP of Feng Shui! :-)

Please comment on what makes you feel good about your home.


P.S. What? You haven't had your complimentary intro session or tele-session with me yet? Consider this topic....

***Respect 101: Teach Others to Treat You Well***

We'll discuss the questions below as they apply to YOU:

~How do you treat yourself?

~Do you speak up for yourself clearly, directly, and in a timely manner?

~Do you stand your ground when being pressured?

~What vibes are you sending out about how you expect to be treated?

~What limiting beliefs from the past are hindering you in asking for the respect you deserve?

Contact me at to set up your appointment!


***Tuesday, November 17, from 11:30 am to noon, I'll be interviewed on Davette Harvey's Blog Talk Radio show!***


P.P.S. for Locals:

My November Schedule ~~ Contact me at for more info.

Friday, November 13, from 7 to 9 pm in Douglassville, I'll be facilitating a...

***Craft Workshop for the Holidays or Any Days!***

I'll need your prepayment by Friday, November 6.

The fee of $40 includes instruction, all materials, and use of my tools.

Thursday Evening, November 19, at the Celestial Bodies event in Pottstown, I'll be assisting at the Reiki workshops.

This event is free, but you must pre-register with Pottstown Memorial Medical Center.


Tuesday, November 24, at 6:30 pm, I'll have a table at "Santa's Secret Workshop" in Pottstown.

This event is free, but you must pre-register with McCormick Chiropractic at 610-705-0201.


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a human services resource at***


Thursday, October 08, 2009

Adults Aren't the Only Ones: Over-Scheduled Kids

Do you want your children to grow up knowing how to live creatively and how to be independent thinkers? Here's my two cents...don't let them over-schedule themselves now, while they're young!

Constantly running from one structured activity to another gives kids little time to just "be." Kids need to learn how to use unstructured time in ways they will enjoy.

Kids don't have the judgement and experience to know when they're setting themselves up for stress and overwhelm. It's up to the parents to guide them about leaving time to "chill out" and time for unexpected things that may crop up.

Let's give the kids a chance to hear the "still, small voice" that invites creativity into their lives!

All my best,

P.S. Try a complimentary coaching session with me called...
Start Here; Grow to There!
Are you embarking on a huge project or challenge?
During your phone or in-person session, we'll take a personalized look at three areas where you can take action RIGHT AWAY!
~~We'll get a clear picture of who you'll need to be to best meet your challenge.~~
~~We'll develop a strategy to invite those changes.~~
~~We'll break the project or challenge down into steps that will make it easiest for you to tackle, given your strengths and preferences.~~
To set up a time, contact me at Let's get you moving!
P.P.S. for Locals:
Family Services in Pottstown, PA, Presents an...
Anxiety and Stress Management Group
Facilitated by Sarah Lebo
Six Tuesday Evenings Beginning October 13, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at
Family Services, 1976 East High Street, Pottstown, PA 19464.
This program is FREE.
For more information or to register, contact Sarah Lebo at 610-326-1610 ext. 499 or
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at

Friday, October 02, 2009

It's Fall...Do You Know Where Your Immunity Is?

Creative living begins with taking care of your physical and emotional health. In this holistic world of ours, of course, these areas are intricately related.

Here's a list of resources for you to check out to tune up your immune system physically and emotionally:

Chiropractic Care has helped me in more ways than I can count. It has been so instrumental in supporting my immune system, I would continue to get chiropractic care just for that reason alone! When you think about it, how can we expect any of our systems to work well when nerve signals and energy flow are blocked?

Reiki is an energy practice that I use on myself, offer to others, and teach. It supports your body's efforts to prevent and heal illness as well as to ward off stress and anxiety.

Shiatsu is a delightful form of massage that's based on the energy meridian system in the body.

Keep those endorphins flowing with...

~healthy relationships

~community involvement



~hobbies that you love

~being in nature


Monitor Your Self-Talk. As best-selling author Mike Dooley says, Thoughts become things!" ( So...when you get the sniffles, do you say, "By tomorrow I'll be stuck in bed with a fever!" Or do you say, "My body is escorting the germs 'off the premises' as we speak!" Remember to expect what you want, not what you don't want.

To your health,

P.S. 'Haven't had a complimentary coaching session with me yet? How about this topic....

Get Your Mojo Back!

During our phone or in-person session, we'll take a look at three areas where you can take action right away!

~~~Your Values~~~Your Passions~~~Your Self-Care~~~

To set up a time, contact me at or 610-385-3766.


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Five Great Reminders for Self-Care

1. "People spend more time planning their vacations each year than they spend on planning for their care and well-being the other 51 weeks." ~Thomas Leonard

Yikes! This is all too true for many of us. Do you have a written plan for your own well-being?

2. "Remember to avoid over scheduling, over committing and over yes-ing! The more you say yes to things that may zap you of your time, strength, and energy, the less you stay true to your values and priorities." ~Debi Silber

Do you have effective boundaries in place?

3. "They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them." ~Mohandas Gandhi

Is maintaining your self-respect non-negotiable?

4. "And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~Marianne Williamson

Great self-care makes you a wonderful role model for others!

5. "Put your own oxygen mask on first before attempting to help other passengers." ~Every airline I've ever flown on! :-)

You can't help others if you're running on empty yourself.

Take care...of yourself,


P.S. Whether you've taken on a "Plan B," or one has been thrust upon me at to set up a complimentary coaching session by phone or in person. It's called:
***Plan B: Transforming Transition***
In this session we'll stragetize for your smooth transition to "Plan B" with...
The Five R's of Transformation:
1) Regroup
2) Reframe
3) Reserves
4) Resilience
5) Rewards!
P.P.S. for Locals: Stop by Sunnybrook in Pottstown this Saturday, Sept. 26, between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm, to watch or experience my Reiki and Laser Coaching Demos at my exhibit table! There will be lots to see and do at the PMSI Community Health Fair!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local resource for human services at ***

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Make the Decision to Read this Book

Book Review:
10-10-10: 10 Minutes, 10 Months, 10 Years; A Life-Transforming Idea
by Suzy Welch, 2009; Simon & Schuster Inc. and Simon and Schuster Audio
I listened to the unabridged audio version of this intriging book, which is read by the author. Out of her own necessity, Welch has developed a wonderfully clarifying model for making decisions.
As the title implies, the method involves thinking through the short-range, mid-range, and long-range likely results of the options at hand. Welch's model is also very useful as a low-conflict way of making decisions with others. It's a great way to explain your decisions to others who will be affected by them.
Below I've pulled together a fictional example to illustrate how this method might be used in everyday living.
Molly's Quandary
"My kids want a dog. I love dogs, too. But can I take on that extra responsibility as a single mom with three kids?"
Let's say Molly starts exploring the "Yes" possibility using Welch's 10-10-10 method. She jots down, "Ten Minutes: I'll still feel definite trepidation! The kids will have to contribute more than just 'lip service' about promises to help.
Ten Months: We'll all be attached to the dog. I'll wonder what took me so long to bring this new source of joy and connection into our lives! I'll still be holding the kids to their specific promises to help. They may resist at times, but by then they'll know that I'm not about to back down on this point.
Ten Years: I'll feel tremendously rewarded for having taken this risk. We are all learning first-hand about love, responsibility, and cooperation. My decision is made!"
'Still not sure if this book is worth your time? You can guess what my advice is...apply Welch's 10-10-10 model to decide!
My best to you,
P.S. What?! You haven't had your complimentary coaching session with me yet? :-) Consider this topic....
"You Are Here": Develop Your Best GPS for Daily Living
By phone or in person, we'll work on the upgrades you want for your personal GPS !
Possible areas to explore:
Contact me at to set up an appointment. Your only obligation is to call in on time and be ready to dig in!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a non-profit local human services resource at***

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ask "What?" and "Why?"; Forget about "How?"

Greetings, Law of Attraction Fans!

If you want to align yourself with the Law of Attraction ("like attracts like"), it's really important to ask yourself the right questions.

Ask Yourself "What?"

First, get really clear about what it is that you want. Think about it; isn't it next to impossible to help someone get what they want if they aren't even sure themselves? Sometimes as a coach it's my job to help someone figure out what they want. Then we can proceed from there.


O.K., let's say "Carmen" holds this intention: "To raise a healthy, happy, and productive daughter." Next, she asks herself, "What exactly does this feel like, assuming I'm already there?" This question helps to align her energy with what she wants as well as clarify exactly what the intention means.

Carmen's answers the question this way: "I feel pride, love, and feelings of contribution and accomplishment. I feel my daughter hugging me, and I'm delighted to hear her thanking me for always being there for her. I'm telling her that I wouldn't have it any other way; it's a total joy for me." Do you sense her passion and energy rising?

Now Kick it up a Notch by Asking Yourself "Why?"

Asking why you have set a particular intention pumps up the passion and enthusiasm even more! Then your vibration rises even higher to put you more into alignment with what you want to manifest.

Now Back to Carmen....

Carmen's "Why?": "This intention is my gift to my daughter and part of my contribution to the world, including my future grandchildren and great-grandchildren! I trust that I'll be shown how through intuition and synchronicity."

Suit up and Show up

That's what you do next. You show up. You watch for openings and check with your intuition. And you do this consistently. I would say, "Best of luck to you," but if you follow the advice in this post, you won't need luck. You will make your own.


P.S. Give this complimentary coaching session a try....

Respect 101: Teach Others to Treat You Well
We'll discuss the questions below as they apply to YOU:
~How do you treat yourself?
~Do you speak up for yourself clearly, directly, and in a timely manner?
~Do you stand your ground when being pressured?
~What vibes are you sending out about how you expect to be treated?
~What limiting beliefs from the past are hindering you in asking for the respect you deserve?
Contact me at to set up a session by phone or in person!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at .***

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mike Dooley: "Thoughts Become Things!"

Book Review: Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things!
by Mike Dooley
copyright 2009; published by Simon & Schuster, Inc.

If you haven't read or listened to this book yet, you're in for a treat! (It's also available as an audiobook from Simon & Schuster Audio, copyright 2009, unbridged. I experienced the audio version.) The book is encouraging, inspiring, and soothing.

Dooley wrote the book from the point of view of the Universe as he understands it, and he speaks to the reader directly and casually. This style and use of a persona allowed him to add gentle humor and convincing but gentle nudges to the brief messages that make up the book.

I'm sure I would enjoy the print version, but the audiobook is's read by the author in a very centered, soothing, and reassuring way. I like to listen to it before I go to sleep at night!

In his "Universe" persona, Dooley reminds us that we are all parts of something grander and larger than we can even imagine. The "Universe" reminds us of our full power and potential!

I'd like to add a bit of inspiration here for you writers and other creatives out there. When Dooley first started doing this type of writing many years ago, he felt very unsure of himself. Can you relate?? Most of us can! Now Dooley has at least 4 books out, he's an inspirational speaker, and he was one of the featured teachers in the movie "The Secret"!

And wait till you see his website at I think you will love it! There are lots of free, fun goodies there! As with the book, the site is great for Law of Attraction fans who are looking for practical understanding but who don't want and/or need the scientific details. (By the way, scientific support for the Law of Attraction is out there from other sources, for any of you who aren't fans of it...yet!)

Please share your opinions and experiences with the book and/or the site with my other readers and me!


P.S. Shameless Plug! Try a complimentary coaching session with me called...

Start Here; Grow to There!

For those who are embarking on a humongous challenge!

During your phone or in-person session, we'll take a personalized look at three areas where you can take action RIGHT AWAY!

~~We'll get a clear picture of who you'll need to become to best meet the challenge.~~

~~We'll develop a strategy to invite those changes. (Hint: Your challenge will "grow" you!)~~

~~We'll break the challenge down into the steps that will make it easiest for you to tackle, given your strengths and preferences.~~

To set up a time, contact me at Let's get you moving!


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

How is Your Life GPS Working?

Just as a GPS in your car uses a number of satellites to determine where you are on the road, I recommend these "satellites" that are vital in deciding which roads to take in life.

I use this as my first point of reference. Without this, I feel like, as my husband would say, "a loose canoe in a swift stream."

With clarity around my spirituality, I find it much easier to focus in on my most important values...perhaps the top three to five, to help me see where I'm positioned in life.

Once I have the first two in place, from there I can set my priorities as they relate to my values.

Once I know my priorities, I can develop strategies that will help me make sure that the priorities are addressed.

At this point, I can develop useful goals easily, because I've looked at the other areas.

Next, I can use my goals to figure out what steps I need to take on a daily or weekly basis to make sure I'm manifesting my priorities.

When I take the steps I need to take on a regular basis, I develop new habits that serve me well in accomplishing my goals. These new habits actually make it easier to do the steps than to not to do them!

So how about you?
What keeps you centered and on track? Please leave a comment and let my other readers and me know! Maybe you have a different series of "satellites" that work for you.

If you try my Life GPS, please let us know how it works for you!


P.S. 'Need some assistance in this area? I'm offering...

"You Are Here": Develop Your Best GPS for Daily Living
...a complimentary coaching session (by phone or in person) where we will work on the upgrades you want for your personal GPS!
Contact me at to set up an appointment.
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What a Gift...

My long-distance friend and colleague, Droku, passed away one week ago today. He was one of the most amazing people I've ever met.

About 20 years ago, Droku sustained an injury that left him paralyzed from the neck down. He taught me, by his outstanding example, that not only can I handle anything that comes along, but that I can do so with an accepting, positive attitude. And I can still make a difference.

Droku did not just survive...he thrived, and he helped others do the same. He turned his attention to what he could still do, and away from his limitations.

He took teleclasses from his bed to become a life coach, and soon he became a leader in Coachville's virtual community.

Droku operated his computer by using voice-recognition software. He helped many others through his coaching and teaching. He also shared the results of his research about how we can put our personal environments and technology to work for us. To see an example and Droku's photo, go see his guest blog post at

Droku's courage, positive attitude, gentle encouragement, and willingness to share made him quite a powerful role model. What a gift to all that knew him! And that gift will continue to ripple out into the future and touch many more lives in a positive way.

Droku, you will be missed by so many, but you've left us an amazing legacy. Goodbye and thank you, my friend.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The "Perfect" Excuse

What causes perfectionism? It's commonly believed that it results from a fear of criticism. This is just the tip of the iceberg, though.

Consider a more insidious source: the fear of moving out of our comfort zones. Perfectionism steals precious time from activities we consciously wish we had the time to do. But because of our unconscious fears, we use that time to:

~Stay stuck.

~Feel busy without accomplishing much of anything.

~Stall until the "perfect, risk-free" opportunity comes along (which is, conveniently, NEVER).

No matter how much we may want to move forward consciously, a frightened or poorly programmed subconscious will block it in an effort to protect us. We can reassure our subconscious minds by:

~Identifying limiting beliefs and replacing them with beliefs that support our expansion.

~Taking baby steps outside our comfort zones so the subconscious feels less threatened.

~Accepting the fear. The only way out of our comfort zones is through the fear. (See the work of Dr. Susan Jeffers, author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.)

Please comment on your adventures outside of your comfort zone!



P.S. Whether you've taken on a "Plan B" or one has been thrust upon me at to set up a complimentary coaching session called...

*** Plan B: Transforming Transition ***

In this session we'll strategize for your smooth transition to "Plan B" with...

The Five R's of Transformation:

1) Regroup

2) Reframe

3) Reserves

4) Resilience

5) Rewards!


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***

Friday, July 03, 2009

Teach Others to Treat You Well

Here Are a Few Questions to Consider....

~How do you treat yourself ? Teach others by modeling care and respect for yourself.

~Assertiveness: Do you speak up for yourself clearly and directly? Do you stand your ground when being pressured?

~What vibes are you sending out? Others pick up on these whether they realize it or not...and whether you realize it or not! if you're conflicted by limiting beliefs about your own worth, that will show up in your interactions with others!

Write out your out-dated and flat-out wrong beliefs about yourself. Then go back and change them to fit the person you are now...or the person you want to become.

Please take a minute to leave a comment so we can all learn from your experience and insight!


P.S. 'Need more assistance with this? I'm offering...

"Respect 101"
...a complimentary coaching session where we'll discuss the questions above in more depth as they relate to YOU.
Contact me at to set up a session by phone or in person!
P.P.S. for Locals: A hot topic for summer...
"Keeping Your Cool"
~~A new workshop for finding answers to anger~~
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 ~~ 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Douglassville, PA
Contact me soon at for details, as I'll need your prepayment of $20 by Thursday, July 23, 2009.
In this workshop you will learn about...
~Using anger as nature intended~
~What anger is NOT~
~The holistic effects of how you handle your anger~
'Not local? If there's enough interest, I'll run a teleclass also. Let me know at Thanks!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a human services resource at***

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Your Environment: Your Catalyst for Productivity

You'll find it much easier to avoid procrastinating on a project when you have an inviting, well-organized space for work and creativity.

A Reminder: Invest Time in the Following Areas: (They may seem obvious, but we sometimes forget anyway!)

~Clear out clutter from past interests. It's taking up precious physical and psychological space, and it's blocking the free flow of energy! Make elbow room for your current interests and projects.

~Stock up on supplies, tools, and materials that you'll need at hand.

~Set up a retrieval and reminder system that works for you. Using someone else's system could prove to be as useless as borrowing their eyeglasses!

~Make the space appealing so that you and your Muse will look forward to going there.

~Use a timer so that you can really get into a project without forgetting about when you need to stop.

~Back up your e-data regularly. (Obvious? You bet. But I don't do it nearly as often as I should!)

What You Can Expect in Return:

~Better Feng Shui

~Less Stress

~Less Time Wasted/Fewer Distractions/Better Focus

~Others trust your word because you can work efficiently and reliably. Tasks that need your attention will be less likely to fall through the cracks or run past their deadlines.

~You'll feel more centered and flexible.

A Bonus Step!

Once you've come this far, consider stepping up to the next level of low-stress living and working: proactivity. Always factor in extra time for miscalculations, interruptions, problems, technical difficulties, and the like.

I set target dates for myself that are well ahead of the actual deadlines. I don't always hit the target dates, but it saves a lot of rushing around just before (or worse, after) the deadline. This way of working has been a major stress reducer for me.

Please comment on your experiences while experimenting with your environment for increased productivity and proactivity!


S.P.P. (Shameless Postscript Plug! :-) )

My Latest Complimentary Session Offering!
**** "Become a Kick-Butt Pro at Productivity!" ****
By phone or in person, we'll brainstorm around the topics below as they apply to YOU!
~Leverage Your Space~
~Manage Your Time~
~Develop Your Strengths~
Contact me at to set up your appointment.
Give stress and procrastination the boot!
***Member of TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Monday, June 15, 2009

Enthusiasm: Have You Seen Yours Lately?

Your Level of Enthusiasm Is Your Barometer
Enthusiasm is a crucial aspect of your energetic make-up. You can check with it in many areas of a holistic life to see where you stand.

Making Decisions
Check in with your level of enthusiasm about each option you are considering. This is a great way to begin developing your intuition, too. Balance your more logical ways of making decisions (pro and con lists, etc.) with this valuable tool.

Recognizing Inspired Action
If you're a Law of Attraction fan, you've probably been advised to take inspired action. How will you know the action is inspired? You will feel pure enthusiasm and a certain "rightness" about it.

Actions that you've orchestrated because it's what you think you should do will not be accompanied by these feelings. This is a definite red flag!

Enthusiasm as a Mirror
Do you want to know how you are coming across to others, and how your energy is affecting them? Again, check in on your own level of enthusiasm. Is it sagging or forced? If so, this is what others are picking up from you, regardless of your words and actions!

For writers and artists in genuine enthusiasm coming through in your work? If not, maybe it's time to try a new technique, medium, or style!

Depleted Enthusiasm also Depletes Your...
~Energy Level

~Well-Being (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual!)


~Capacity for Rewarding Relationships

~Level of Enjoyment of Life!

Has Your Enthusiasm Gone Missing? Learn from the Little Ones.
Have you ever noticed the unbridled enthusiasm of pre-schoolers? They get so excited, they literally jump for joy!

Why does this come so naturally to them? It's because they have not yet been weighed down with negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, resentments, and other insults to their well-being.

Sure, they have their moments of disappointment or anger. But they express it and move on. That's what emotions are meant to do...flow through us like water through a tea bag. They're not meant to hang around where they are no longer needed.

Learn from a Master
Master Coach Dave Buck has some great advice for cultivating enthusiasm. He suggests that we infuse the spirit of play into everything we do! After all, that's what pre-schoolers do. Perhaps Dave Buck has learned from the little ones, too!

Let's Learn from Each Other
Please add your comments, experiences, and questions to the mix!


P.S. I'm offering a NEW complimentary coaching session called...

"Get Your Mojo Back!"

During the phone or in-person session, we'll take a personalized look at three areas where you can take action RIGHT AWAY!

~~~Your Values~~~Your Passions~~~Your Self-Care~~~

To set up a time, contact me at or 610-385-3766.


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Befriending a Better Habit

Energy-Draining Bad Habits
The results of a bad or outgrown habit are like a swarm of gnats...distracting and annoying! The energy it takes to shoo them repeatedly away adds up over time and raises our stress levels. Yet like gnats, bad habits can be very persistent, as we all know!

I'll use one of mine as an example. I was a life-long producer of clutter who was also great at maintaining it! Ugh! In the past several months, I've finally gotten a handle on it. It's a lifestyle change that I have adopted, and I'm keeping a structure in place to assure that the new habit sticks.

Speaking of Structure...
...create some for yourself. Set up some way to be accountable to others for the changes you want to make. Choose your accountability partners carefully, because you will need gentle support and encouragement from them as well.

I continue to receive support and accountability from my family, friends, and coaching colleagues. Last fall I even went public here on my blog with a decluttering challenge that I had set for myself!

Make It Fun!
I know...this is where you're thinking, "This woman is nuts!" But give it a try. You might pair the new activities required with something you enjoy, such as listening to music.

Make yourself a chart so you can visually track your progress. Use colors and symbols that make you smile.

For my clutter-zapping and prevention, I set a goal of 15 minutes a day in four areas for a total of 1 hour a day. This keeps me on track, and the rewards of not having to deal with clutter or cleaning much during the rest of the time are well worth it.

And I do track my time on paper. If I'm out of town for the day, I make up the time later.

The Key to Motivation
O.K., even if you don't think you can find any way to make a new habit fun, ask yourself this: "How will this new habit support my larger vision?" This question could make a crucial difference to someone who, for example, is setting out to change from a procrastinator to someone who is proactive about getting things done.

When I saw decluttering as something I "should" do, I couldn't muster up the resolve to see it through. As my friend Sally says, "Don't should on yourself!"

Now, I see life much more holistically, and I know that staying organized affects the Feng Shui of my office and home, as well as my personal energy. I also see organization as an important element of my self-care. And it's important to me to be a great role model for clients, participants, and readers.

Some coaches don't discuss topics they are still struggling with because it makes them feel out of integrity. My feeling is, however, that if someone else can learn from something I know but have not yet been able to fully implement, why not share it with them? To stay in integrity, I just admit right up front that I'm still working on the issue myself.

These days, with the clutter issue, I can honestly say that I have a handle on it. There are a few drawers and closets that still need some work, but now that my new habit is in place, they too will soon be more orderly!

Best of Luck as You Develop New Habits that Will Serve You Better for a Lifetime! Please share your successes, setbacks, and questions with my other readers and me.


P.S. Shameless Plug: Contact me to set up a complimentary trial coaching session by phone or in person at or 610-385-3766!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Holistic View of Feng Shui and Your Work

Your Physical Environment

Take stock of the physical environment of your home, office and/or studio. Is clutter or disorganization blocking the free flow of energy in these areas?

Also check for items that don't serve you in your current stage of life. Even worse are items that remind you of a difficult time and bring down your energy when you see them.

Psycho-Spiritual Feng Shui

Your physical work environment may be great, but if your psycho-spiritual environment is out of whack, you will feel out of whack. Shore up this part of your environment by getting a handle on your emotions. You'll also need to clear up any unfinished business with other people.

Take your spiritual temperature and see if your are aligning with your own current beliefs. Also take a look at your integrity. Are your thoughts, words, and actions aligned with each other?

Your Physical Body

As the saying goes, "The body doesn't lie." What is going on in the two areas I discussed above, will affect the energy that your body is taking in and giving out. You will feel it in your level of wellness and in how others respond to you.

And of course your work (creative or otherwise) will be affected. Ask yourself: "Am I an energetically sound vessel for the creativity and productivity I am seeking?" If not, check out the areas above and make the needed changes.

It's a Cycle....

In turn, the state of your body's energy will affect the other two areas above. Be sure to apply mindful stewardship to all aspects affecting your energy. There will be a snowball effect, so be sure the snowball is rolling in a positive direction for you!

Shameless Plug of the Week....

Being coached leverages the benefits of living with a holistic perspective! Contact me at for a complimentary trial session by phone or in person.

Best of luck with your personal energy management!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Step up Your Intuitive Development

Here are some tips for developing your intuition:

~Be open to the idea. Your relationship with your intuition can't bloom easily without your attention and respect.

~Start small. Ask yourself who's calling before you pick up the phone. What color will your friend be wearing today? What's coming in the mail for you today? Who should you call today?

~Get Feedback. By starting small, you can get lots of feedback on issues that are not emotionally loaded or parts of crucial decision-making.

~Learn more about what intuition feels like for you. Constriction of the throat may signal a "no," while a more expansive physical sensation may signal a "yes."

~Watch for the sensation of a solid "click." This is how I often experience intuition. It feels like two or more things have come together in a meaningful way. They meet, and then settle in as a new insight with a solid "click," similar to puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.

~Be aware of synchronicities. The timing and meaning of synchronicities may hold a message for you.

~Watch for "way closing." This is the Quaker concept that intuition can show you which way to go by blocking the other options.

~Become familiar with the language of your subconscious mind. It speaks to you through your senses. Intuition can be delivered in the form of an image, a phrase that pops into your head, or a bodily sensation, such as an unexplained knot in your stomach.

~Engage in activities that encourage intuition. Some examples are creative activities, walks in nature, meditation, a relaxing bath or shower, and giving or receiving Reiki.

Please share your experiences with intuition in the comments section!
Need a fresh perspective? Contact me at to set up a complimentary trial coaching session by phone or in person.
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***


Monday, May 11, 2009

Prolonged Denial: A Hidden Source of Trouble's so easy to see in others. By definition, we have a very difficult time seeing it in ourselves.

Useful denial is like useful anger; they're both designed by nature to be temporary. Temporary anger nudges us to take constructive action. Temporary denial protects us from being hit by all the emotional pain of loss at one time.

Prolonged denial, though, becomes a nasty little gremlin that really messes with your mind and life. Because we can't see the denial itself, we must look at the symptoms. Here are a few to consider:

~Creative Blocks. Chances are, they aren't caused by laziness or lack of something to express!

~Free-Floating Anxiety is probably a misnomer in most cases. We don't see the source, so we assume there isn't one. Long-term denial may well be the culprit in certain situations.

~Free-Floating Anger is another symptom. Chronic bouts of unexplainable or inappropriate anger are like the release value on a pressure cooker.

TV personality and author Art Linkletter tells a story about a store clerk who looked like she was about to snap at anyone (maybe everyone...) who walked by. Mr. Linkletter asked her, "Are you angry?" She answered, "No, of course I'm not angry!" To this he replied, "Well, you'd better tell your face!"

~Exhaustion...physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. It takes a lot of energy to suppress emotions, which sometimes leads to...

~Depression. And again, it may be difficult to pin down the cause if it's related to chronic denial.


Resources for Help

~Self-Help. If the problem isn't too deeply entrenched, you might be able to gain clarity through journaling.

~Friendly Help. Ask someone you trust to give you objective feedback about what you might not be acknowledging.

~Therapy may be needed to rout out deep-seated denial and work through it.


Then What?

~Forgiveness and/or self-forgiveness. This is easier said than done, and it takes time. A therapist can help you develop this skill set.

~Redesign Your Life. Prolonged denial and its symptoms can take you way off course in life. When you have worked through the issues, you will be ready to construct a lifestyle more to your liking. A great life coach may be just the catalyst you need!


Shameless Plug Time: Contact me for a complimentary exploratory coaching session by phone or in person! Email:


~Shameless Request Time: Please comment on your experience with this topic! Questions are welcome, too.


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Saturday, May 02, 2009

A Step Beyond Gratitude: Appreciative Inquiry

"What went right?"
"What worked before?"
"What am I grateful for in this situation?"
"What do I appreciate in myself and others?"
These questions are at the heart of Appreciative Inquiry, a method that is used formally and informally in many settings.
Clients are often taught to use Appreciative Inquiry in individual or relationship therapy. Individuals also apply it on their own without realizing it, having heard about the benefits of positive thinking, gratitude, and the Law of Attraction.
When businesses and other organizations employ Appreciative Inquiry, they combine the synergy of group brainstorming with the effectiveness of looking at past successes. They use the results to develop new goals and strategies.
We life coaches encourage our clients to use Appreciative Inquiry to focus on their strengths and build the self-confidence to move forward.
Give it a try! The next time you're setting a goal, look at the questions at the beginning of this post. Use your answers as the foundation for new areas of discovery that may currently be outside of your comfort zone.
Please share your comments on your experiences with Appreciative Inquiry!
P.S. to Locals: Join us for some serious pampering! I'm hosting a Stress-Less Evening on Friday, May 15, 2009, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Douglassville, PA. Kick back and relax as I provide Reiki, soothing music, snacks, guided imagery, and more! Contact me ASAP for details, as I'll need your prepayment of $20 by Tuesday, May 12, 2009. Email: Phone: 610-385-3766. It'll be fun!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Sacred Stewardship of a True Vision

I want to share with you the most inspiring explanation of having a vision that I've ever seen! It was in Jesse Jennings' Q&A column in the latest issue of Science of Mind Magazine.

Jennings explained that when creating a vision, ideally we plan from the outset to work ourselves out of a job. For example, if you start a non-profit organization to help domestic violence victims, your vision would be that of a world where everyone is safe in their own home. That's your ultimate goal...for the organization to become unnecessary!

This doesn't make you unnecessary, of course. In fact, you'd be the perfect person to start another organization with a new vision of another problem that you can see as eradicated!

To me, these kinds of visions are of the highest order, and are true examples of sacred stewardship.

My best to you,

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Be an Effective CEO of Your Own Life

You Are Your Own "Chief Environmental Organizer"

Are you short-changing yourself in any of these areas?

Examples of possible problem areas: clutter, poor air quality, poor lighting, poor Feng Shui.

Pull any weeds from your emotional garden. If you can't do it alone, hire a therapist to help you.

This is clearly a "use it or lose it" area. Exercise your brain and fuel it well for best performance.

Does your environment feed your soul with beauty, nature, music, solitude, etc.?

How is your family doing in the areas of mutual respect, sharing responsibilities, communication, etc.?

Creativity and Productivity
Are there any blocks here? What facilitates these two assets for you?

Do you feel a sense of community? If not, how can you change your environment to create community? The natural cycle of giving and receiving is very valuable, and community is an important foundation for that. Take a look at your networks and opportunities for collaboration.

As I mentioned in last week's post, be sure to educate others about the boundaries you need to have in place...and back them up!

All my best,

P.S. to Locals: The Healthy Lifestyles Expo takes place this Friday, the 17th, in Pottstown! See last Monday's post for details, or email me at

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Monday, April 06, 2009

Minimize Distractions on the Front End

It's an all-too-familiar scenario: You finally have time to focus on a project that is important to you. It's full speed ahead! Until....

Knots, tangles, detours, and other interruptions spring up in your path. Ugh. These little gremlins come from three major sources:

*From the project itself (logistical issues, etc.)

*From outside of you and the project (household emergencies, technology problems, entreaties for help from others, etc.)

*From inside you (lack of sleep, ADD, fear of success or failure, etc.)

Head 'Em off at the Pass. Proactivity is a concept that has been thrown around a lot lately...and with good reason. Being proactive has become one of my most valuable ways to avoid stress! A few tips:

*Have a rainy-day fund in as many of these areas as possible:


~Space (in your physical surroundings, in your schedule, etc.)




~Patience (Learn to accept what is while still intending to move forward.)

~Supplies (It stinks to get a great idea for a watercolor painting and then realize you never got around to replacing your worn-out brushes. When inspiration strikes, the last thing you feel like doing is running an errand!)

*Educate others about your needs and boundaries.

~Let them know when your focus time is, and when you're available to be reached.

~Sure, you want to help others when they truly need it. But be firm with those who tend to disrespect your time and/or expect you to bail them out because of their own lack of planning or follow-through.

And for the gremlins and interruptions that manage to sneak through anyway....

*Ask yourself why it happened. If you could have avoided it, own up to that and learn for next time. But don't waste energy beating yourself up about it.

* the interruption important enough to drop what you were doing completely, or can you put the obstacle in a holding pattern for a while?

*Dispatch...choose the best course of action for the interruption:

~Ask for help if that's appropriate.

~You may choose to deal with it on the spot, especially if it's urgent or can be gotten off your plate quickly.

~You may choose an appropriate future time to handle the issue; be sure to make a note on your calendar.

~Ask yourself if it really needs to be done at all. The gremlin may be a sheep in wolf's clothing!

Cultivate inner calm. In college I took a speed-reading course. One of the exercises was to read while hearing (but not taking in) a variety of noises on a recording. I still have a difficult time reading in a noisy environment. It's an interesting exercise, though, and may work for some folks if they practiced it enough.

Here's one I'm much better at...keeping my base-line stress level down by following my own advice from this post. This allows me wiggle room when I need it, so I can respond to situations rather than react to them.

An all-purpose reframing affirmation from author Susan Jeffers, PhD: "Whatever happens, I'll handle it." Give it a try!

All my best to you,


P.S. for locals: Don't miss the Healthy Lifestyles Expo at the Montgomery County Community College West Campus in Pottstown, PA, on Friday, April 17! I'll be demonstrating Reiki at my exhibit table. Please stop by! Contact me for more details at or 610-385-3766.

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Getting the Most from Being Coached

The coaching relationship is a partnership rather than a service that is done "for" you or "to" you. Because of this, you can get the most from your coaching dollars by being the best client you can be.

Below is a list of qualities you can apply or develop in yourself that can help you get the most value from being coached.



~has the ability to withhold judgement while brainstorming freely

~allows herself to be pulled forward by the synergy she has created with her coach rather than waiting for the coach to push

~follows through on commitments or is willing to take an honest look at why he didn't follow through


~has picked a compelling challenge for herself

~curious, adventurous thinker

~speaks up when he has a concern or wants the coaching to go in another direction

~clear about her values and is willing to take the time to build her personal infrastructure to support them.

I'm eager to hear from those of you who fit this profile! Your trial session is complimentary; email me at or call 610-385-3766.


P.S. to Locals: It was great to see so many familiar people and to meet new ones at the Boyertown Wellness Fair on Saturday! I'll also be exhibiting and demonstrating Reiki at the Healthy Lifestyles Expo in Pottstown on Friday, April 17. Contact me at for more information.

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.**

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Motivates a Patron to Buy Art? Here's What Stirs My Heart

Inspired by a recent visit to my favorite craft show (OJR Friends of the Arts), I'm sharing with you what motivates me to choose the particular pieces I buy there.

~The piece calls to my intuition.
~It expresses the artist's unique style and essence.
~The item may have an original twist on a well-loved theme or design element.
~It has an interesting combination of materials, textures, and colors.
~The piece has a certain earthiness to it.
~The item has a loose, flowing design that suggests a movement of energy.

At a show of this kind, I typically buy jewelry, clothing, and pottery. However, I look for these qualities in any art form, including books and performing arts, where some of these qualities tend to be more metaphorical.

I believe you should create according to what stirs your heart as a top priority, but I thought this list from an artist/patron's viewpoint might be helpful. I'd love to see your responses to the list in your comments!


P.S. for Locals: Don't miss the free Wellness Fair this Saturday, March 21, 2009, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Boyertown Area Sr. High School! It's presented by the Boyertown Area Community Wellness Council. Bring the whole family; there's something for everyone.

I'm on the planning committee, so I can tell you it's going to be bigger and better than ever this year! Stop by and see me; I'll be exhibiting, giving brief Reiki treatments, and teaching a short workshop on "Embracing Imperfection."

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Monday, March 09, 2009

Top Ten Tips on Gratitude

Here's the countdown....

10. Look for opportunities to express gratitude. The opportunities can be large or small. I like to write "thank you" in the memo line when I'm writing checks, especially for personal services such as massage.

9. Re-frame negative situations by looking for the "jewel in the mud," and being grateful for it.

8. Over-deliver with added value for your patrons to show your gratitude for their support of your work.

7. Show gratitude to and for yourself! Your creative expression is unique. It not only deserves your thanks, but it flourishes as a result.

6. Write thank-you notes when they are least expected. These are the most meaningful kind, and the most fun to write!

5. Start a "Warm and Fuzzy" file, and fill it with the expressions of gratitude that come to you from others. Look through it whenever you're having an "off" day.

4. Use sincere gratitude to prevent creative blocks and to raise your energy.

3. Avoid "when, then" thinking, such as "When I'm accepted by a gallery, then I'll be happy." Be happy and grateful now, and you'll greatly improve your odds of having more to be grateful for in the future.

2. List the things you are grateful for...with a twist. Here's what works best for me: I date my list for one month from the day I'm writing it. I mix in things that have already manifested with things that are on the way, but I write them all as if they are already here. These two strategies make it much easier to get used to the idea and feeling of the items being true. After all, in a month, they could be, right?

1. Please comment on this post if you are grateful for it! :-)


P.S. for locals: Please see my 2/27 post for details about the Boyertown Wellness Council Health Fair, coming up on Saturday, March 21, or email me at for more info. I hope to see you there!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Friday, February 27, 2009

Values, Vision, and Vitality Equal Results

Here's one way I propose to look at the manifesting process, using a nautical analogy....

The value that guides your vision will serve as a beacon throughout the process of manifesting that vision. For an example, let's use "helping others to help themselves" as the value. And let's say that where you are now is the shore you're currently on concerning making something happen that will align with that value.

This value gives us the compelling purpose and motivation for developing the vision.

The vision is the vehicle that will get you to the far shore, which is the manifestation of the vision. An example of a vision guided by the value above might be starting a non-profit organization that extends loans to micro-businesses in third-world countries.

Keeping the vision aligned with the value contributes to the integrity of the project. It also inspires others with the same value to support the vision.

Through the vision, you can articulate your desired results in a way that others can understand, imagine, and get behind. In computer terms, it's like putting your idea and desire into a PDF so everyone can see it easily. Next, we can partner the vision with vitality to assure the feasibility of the project.

What resources will it take to make the project work? Vitality is the bridge for the vision to cross. This bridge must be engineered with a firm foundation consisting of self-care, financial responsibility, leadership, patience, trust, flexibility, and sustainable energy.

This foundation will help you maintain your passion and enthusiasm, and it will help you align with the Law of Attraction. Vitality will also contribute to the integrity of the project by allowing you to actually move on it, and not just daydream about it.

In the case of our example above, vitality will assure that the organization can be founded, funds can be secured and managed, and enthusiasm can be sustained.

What? You don't see yourself as a visionary? Let your values give birth to your image, and let vitality carry it to fruition!

I'd love to hear about your experiences with this model!


P.S. to "locals": Details will be available soon about the largest-yet 4th Annual Boyertown Wellness Council Health Fair! It'll take place on Saturday, March 21, 2009, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Boyertown Area Sr. High School.

I'll be facilitating a brief workshop on "Embracing Imperfection," demonstrating Reiki on willing participants, and hosting an exhibit table about coaching and Reiki. Order forms will be available for a special discount on my products. I hope to see you there!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Why Is She Telling Us This?"

This is my last decluttering update; I have finally reached 100 hours! I started on July 10, 2008, so I don't get any points for speed. I'll take credit for persistence, though!

You may be wondering, "Why is she telling us this?" I had two reasons for tracking my progress on my blog:
  • For accountability (A special thanks to my hubby, Stew, and my good friend Mary Beth for heading up the accountability squad!) I also wanted to show you how much accountability helps on a project like this or most any other type. Just be sure your accountability buddies are people who are going to be positive and supportive, especially if the project is a creative one.
  • As a demonstration of how you might use a similar method to break down a big project. Through my monthly updates, I've hoped to give you a bird's-eye view of how this can be done, along with the foibles and doubts I had along the way.

What about sustainability?

I spent a little time toward the end of the project setting up a plan for that. I didn't want my organizing efforts to go the way of yo-yo dieting.

I'm a member of, and they have a great program called "The 100 Day Challenge." I signed up for the one that started this week to work on maintaining what I did during my own "100 Hour Challenge." The program also gives me a fresh way to approach continuing to improve my home and office environments.

When you're planning a change for yourself, remember to figure in a way to maintain the results you'll attain. We all know how frustrating it is to slip backward. So...go for it, and follow through on the follow-through! :-)

To your success,


P.S. Contact me for a complimentary exploratory coaching session by phone or in person at or 610-385-3766. I look forward to hearing from you!

P.P.S. Thanks to all who attended my workshop at McCormick Chiropractic in Pottstown, PA, last night. It was fun!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Holistic Nature of Coaching and Being Coached

During my coach training, there was a brief exchange (between the coach who was leading the class and one of the students) that made a lasting impression on me. The student said that she'd heard a lot about the high-quality ways of living that many coaches had carved out for themselves. She wanted to know if that was the "real deal," or just a legend floating around the virtual halls of Coach U.

The student wasn't talking about earning a lot of money and using it to "buy" a lifestyle. For coaches, it's more often the opposite. We design great lives for ourselves with the same skills we teach to clients. Any increase in income is a byproduct of that.

The leader said yes, it was absolutely true, AND that it doesn't happen overnight or without effort and commitment. I loved that answer; it was honest and encouraging. And now, several years of effort and commitment later, I see myself growing into that answer more and more all the time.

Coach training is a great two-for-one deal. You learn how to polish up your own life while learning to help others do so! Another one of my teleclass leaders called the training the best personal development training around. I agree; you learn it, you live it, you love it, and you facilitate it for others.

O.K., So What's in it for the Client?

A lot! Coaches who walk their talk in this way have many treasures to share with our clients, both on a practical level and an energetic level. Some clients sense this upon meeting the coach. Sometimes they express it directly to their coaches..."I hired you because I want what you have!"

Again, we aren't talking about material things here. When a client says that, she's referring to a certain energetic spark that they want to align themselves with.

Even when a client hires a coach for other reasons, such as dealing with a job transition, the smart client will soon open up to the more holistic nature of coaching. He will allow his coach to work with him in other areas because he sees how crucial it is to his success. (Just as he wouldn't expect a shade tree to produce only leaves without its other components in place.)

Why Coaching Is So Effective

So here's the thing.... All endeavors have that holistic, yin/yang thing going on. It's a law of nature. The difference with coaching is that we are one of the few fields that leverage that law by recognizing and utilizing it for our own highest good and that of our clients.

Questions and comments are welcome and appreciated!


P.S. Contact me at or 610-385-3766 to set up a complimentary exploratory session by phone or in person!

P.P.S. for "Locals": Remember to register for my complimentary workshop, "Trade Up to a Healthier Habit," by calling my host, McCormick Chiropractic, in Pottstown, PA, at 610-705-0201. The workshop is on Tuesday, 2/17/09, from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm.

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Friday, February 06, 2009

Organizing Report and Inspiration

For those of you who are naturally neat and organized and wondering what all the fuss is'll be glad to know this is my next-to-last decluttering report!

For the Rest of Us....
I reached my goal yesterday of completing 20 hours of decluttering since my last report on 1/5/09! That gives me a total of 90 hours since 7/10/08, when I set the goal of 100 hours. It's taking a lot longer than I thought, but I'm getting there!

As I've mentioned before, I'm living and working in the spaces I'm clearing, so there have been times that I felt like I was on a treadmill with the decluttering. Picking up the pace a bit this month has helped a lot, though. My husband and I are seeing clear evidence of my organizing efforts (and so is the Goodwill Store donation center)!

Inspiration for the Journey...
...from Michelle Passoff's book, Lighten Up! "Every time I took a quantum leap in my growth, I noticed that I would clean physical clutter.... I thought it was curious that I responded in this way to personal expansion, so I decided at one point to conduct an experiment to see whether if I reversed the process and cleaned clutter first as a way to foster growth if it would work. It did! And, it was fun. I began to make a game of exploring the relationship among oneness with myself, harmony in the world, and my physical environment."

So there you have it. That's what all the fuss is about!


P.S. Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. See last week's post for details about my "Cupid's Bow" Couples Coaching Special, a fun, one-time experience especially for the Month of Love!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***