Saturday, March 22, 2008

What's Holding You Back?

Check out these creativity squashers and their corresponding remedies:

Creativity Squashers-----------------Creativity Accelerators

"Yeah, but...."--------------------------"What if...."

"It hasn't been done before...."-------"Then I'll have to be first!"

"It's all been done before."-----------------"I'll find a new twist!"

Motivation from outside you.--------------Motivation from inside.

Too much or too little structure.-----------Just enough structure to-----------------------------------------------------hang your thoughts on.

Depression.-------------------------------Strong emotional health.

Anger or resentment.---------------------Forgiveness and letting go.

Fear.-------------------------------------Do it anyway.

Trying to please everyone.------------Being authentic.

Hidden pay-offs for staying stuck.-----Expose them and weigh them------------------------------------------------against the pay-offs-----------------------------------------------------------for letting yourself be creative.


Ignore your intuition.-------------------Invite your intuition.

Standard outlining.---------------------Tony Buzan's Mind Maps (R).



Having something to prove.-----------Having something to discover.

So go out and discover! What if...?

Please keep my other readers and me posted on your progress!

Be well,

P.S. To those in the greater Philadelphia, PA, area:

On Saturday, April 12, I'll be exhibiting and offering free Reiki samples at the Boyertown Community Health and Wellness Fair from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. The fair will be held at the Boyertown Area Sr. High School, 120 Monroe Street. And there is no charge to attend! Stop by my table to chat, pick up some info on "stressing less," and try some Reiki!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Two Great Books for the Creativity in All of Us

Both of these books remind us, right on their back covers, that you don't have to be an Artist with a capital "A" to benefit from these books. I'm pleased to recommend them here because I feel the same way about this blog!

Living Your Life Out Loud: How to Unlock Your Creativity and Unleash Your Joy by Salli Rasberry and Padi Selwyn

Specifically, the back cover says, "Creativity is not just for artists--it's everyone's birthright." I agree!

Who could resist a book with such chapter subtitles as, "Write Yourself a Play Prescription Today," and "The Thirty-Minute Breakation"? Here's my favorite quote from the book:

"The path to joy comes from creative expression. When you make the time and space to harness the energy in your life, you can begin to express your unique creativity. Your joy will increase. Your confidence will grow. Your life will be transformed. You will be living your life out loud."

Marry Your Muse: Making a Lasting Commitment to Your Creativity by Jan Phillips

The back cover says, "...everyone who wants to live life as a work of art will find inspiration and practical suggestions in this joyous book."

Here are a few of the inspiring chapter titles:

  • You Are Worth the Time
  • Giving the Artist Within Half a Chance
  • Start Anyway
  • The Little Wise Ones
  • The Art of Activism
  • Pass the Stardust, Please

And from this book, my favorite quote:

"To live creatively is to live from the soul, to shape our circumstances out of our deepest desires instead of conforming our dreams to the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Once we experience the joy and power of creating our own lives, we find that creating in other arenas comes naturally, an outflow of the abundant energy that comes with being true to our essence."

Please comment on your experiences with these books, with living creatively, or with other relevant resources you have found useful. Thanks!

Happy reading,


P.S. I offer complimentary trial tele-coaching sessions by phone, one per person. To set one up, contact me at Creativity is my specialty, but most other topics are welcome, too, such as dealing with transitions, starting a new project, etc.

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
