Enthusiasm is a crucial aspect of your energetic make-up. You can check with it in many areas of a holistic life to see where you stand.
Making Decisions
Check in with your level of enthusiasm about each option you are considering. This is a great way to begin developing your intuition, too. Balance your more logical ways of making decisions (pro and con lists, etc.) with this valuable tool.
Recognizing Inspired Action
If you're a Law of Attraction fan, you've probably been advised to take inspired action. How will you know the action is inspired? You will feel pure enthusiasm and a certain "rightness" about it.
Actions that you've orchestrated because it's what you think you should do will not be accompanied by these feelings. This is a definite red flag!
Enthusiasm as a Mirror
Do you want to know how you are coming across to others, and how your energy is affecting them? Again, check in on your own level of enthusiasm. Is it sagging or forced? If so, this is what others are picking up from you, regardless of your words and actions!
For writers and artists in particular...is genuine enthusiasm coming through in your work? If not, maybe it's time to try a new technique, medium, or style!
Depleted Enthusiasm also Depletes Your...
~Energy Level
~Well-Being (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual!)
~Capacity for Rewarding Relationships
~Level of Enjoyment of Life!
Has Your Enthusiasm Gone Missing? Learn from the Little Ones.
Have you ever noticed the unbridled enthusiasm of pre-schoolers? They get so excited, they literally jump for joy!
Why does this come so naturally to them? It's because they have not yet been weighed down with negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, resentments, and other insults to their well-being.
Sure, they have their moments of disappointment or anger. But they express it and move on. That's what emotions are meant to do...flow through us like water through a tea bag. They're not meant to hang around where they are no longer needed.
Learn from a Master
Master Coach Dave Buck has some great advice for cultivating enthusiasm. He suggests that we infuse the spirit of play into everything we do! After all, that's what pre-schoolers do. Perhaps Dave Buck has learned from the little ones, too!
Let's Learn from Each Other
Please add your comments, experiences, and questions to the mix!
P.S. I'm offering a NEW complimentary coaching session called...
"Get Your Mojo Back!"
During the phone or in-person session, we'll take a personalized look at three areas where you can take action RIGHT AWAY!
~~~Your Values~~~Your Passions~~~Your Self-Care~~~
To set up a time, contact me at scleaver@dejazzd.com or 610-385-3766.
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at http://www.tcnetwork.info/***
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