I can't tell you what you need to do about the current economic situation. We've all had to make adjustments and maybe change some habits in response to the downturn. But take a look at how you feel about it. Replace any fear and feelings of victimhood with gratitude for what you have now and for what you intend to have in the future.
The Test
The following is a true account of how my husband, Stew, was repeatedly tested by the Universe in the last 6 months leading up to his recent retirement at age 55, all the while resolving not to let the media and the current climate of the economy keep him from this long-term goal.
We had a parade of unexpected expenses come into our lives over those 6 months, too. Our hard drive crashed, and so did our printer. I had a tooth that had to be crowned in December, even though we had used up most of our dental insurance allowance for the year.
We spent quite a bit of money on car and truck repairs in November, only to have the car's engine go permanently ka-put...one week before Stew's retirement in January!
Part 2 of the test came in the form of several several job offers in his field that might have pulled him back in. But Stew stood firm. He was retiring, and that was that! He didn't let anything scare him out of it or tempt him to change his mind.
Stew's response to "the test" may not be right for everyone, but I think Stew knew at a deep level that he was doing the right thing for himself. Law of Attraction expert, Dr. Joe Vitali, calls this "inspired action."
"The Test" Comes in Many Guises
It's often what keeps people in dysfunctional relationships, for example. Or it may keep someone stuck in some other pattern of behavior that they want to change, such as over-eating or smoking. Or you may get a "pop quiz" just as you're about to move across the country.
Author and creativity expert Julia Cameron calls this phenomenon "the escape-velocity test," because it reminds her of the earth's gravitational pull on a space shuttle that is being boosted into space. What a great analogy!
Check in with your intuition before letting yourself assume that "the test" is somehow "proof that it wasn't meant to be." (Whatever "it" is for you.) Maybe, but maybe not. Look deeper!
Please share your experiences with "the test" in the comments section.
P.S. Are you looking for a unique and fun way to celebrate Valentine's Day with your partner? Contact me at scleaver@dejazzd.com or 610-385-3766 to set up a prepaid appointment for my Cupid's Bow Valentine Special! It's a one-time couples-coaching session that's available for the month of February.
You'll leave the call (or visit) with a fresh perspective on what's right with your relationship! In honor of the special day, your session is just $14 US per couple, when prepaid and scheduled for the month of February. This offer has no calories and does not wilt! :-)
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***