Friday, December 12, 2008

Three Inspiring Quotes from Coco Fossland

Check out to learn more about Coco Fossland her work.

Coco on why we don't speak up...
"...we stop asking for what we truly want, because we are secretly afraid that to want it will expose even more of our fear -- that we're unworthy, not good enough, or whatever."
Naming the obstacle makes it feel smaller to me!
Coco on keeping the holiday spirit 365 days a year...
"Giving with an open heart is a beautiful practice that brings out [the] feelings [that are keys to manifestation]. Thus, this makes you a magnet for receiving what you want."
It all comes back to the Law of Attraction.
Coco on success...
"Your level of self-trust equals your level of success."
This one says it all!

For more quotes from a wide variety of wise ones, check out the alter ego to this blog! It's my complimentary (in the US), snail-mail newsletter, Susan, Unplugged.... Your "Slow-Tech" Source for Creative and Healthy Living Tips. To order, contact me at, 610-385-3766, or P.O. Box 586, Douglassville, PA 19518-0586.


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

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