Friday, October 24, 2008

Removing Creative Brain Blocks: A Book Review

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Anger, and Impulsiveness by Daniel G. Amen, M.D.

Any of the problems listed in the subtitle above can put your creativity out of reach. It's extremely frustrating. You know you have been able to use your creativity in the past, but now you have lost access to that "file" in your brain. This book/audiobook can help.

So, you might ask, how can Dr. Amen deliver on the huge promise that the full title implies? All of these problems can have strong roots in the structure, function, and/or chemical imbalances in the brain. Injuries, such as concussions, or intruders, such as cysts or toxic substances, also play a major role.

Dr. Amen is a clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and psychotherapist. He's an expert on
ADD and the relationship between the brain and the body, and these topics are addressed as well.

The book discusses the use of functional brain scans, medication, therapy, and self-help tips...all potentially helpful to a brain in trouble...that is, a brain that may be getting you into trouble in your work and relationships. Rare among the cases discussed are those that require surgery, such as a cyst in the brain.

To benefit from this book:

*You don't necessarily need a functional brain scan.
*You don't necessarily need to travel to one of Dr. Amen's clinics.
*It's very unlikely that you'll need surgery.
*You won't necessarily need medication...but keep an open mind about the possibility.
*You may not need therapy...but again, don't dismiss the possibility too quickly.
*You might not need a coach, if you're able to benefit from the self-help tips on your own and/or are seeing improvement from one of the other avenues. However, a coach can help with related lifestyle changes. She can also help you decide if you need more help than she can offer, such as therapy and/or evaluation by a psychiatrist.

Amazing functional brain scans can be seen at!

When looking at these scans, keep in mind that they are functional, not structural. The "holes" you'll see on the surface scans are areas where the activity of those parts of the brain was not enough to register on the scan. Prepare to be amazed!

To your creativity,

P.S. to local folks: email me at for info on my Nov. 8 workshop where we'll be making collage crafts for holidays or any days!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

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