Monday, October 04, 2010

A Public Service Announcement and My Two Cents

Photo (c)iStockphoto/Rebecca Grabill

Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun! (R)

A six-week parent training program designed by the Love and Logic (R) Institute, Inc.

Designed for parents of children who are between the ages of 0 & 6.

Would you like to feel more confident as a parent?
Would you like to have more fun parenting?

Would you like to feel more relaxed at the end of the day?

This program will take place from 10:00 to 11:30 am on the following Wednesdays:
October 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 10, 17
The classes and childcare are free!
Location: Grace Lutheran Church, 660 N. Charlotte St, Pottstown, PA
Register by Friday, October 8, by calling Whitney Leone at
Family Services, 610-326-1610 (x233)
If you don't live in this area, watch for the program in your area if you're in the USA! This is "America's Most Practical and Entertaining Parent Training."
Now for My Two Cents About Our Relationships with Young Children....
In last week's post, I wrote about interdevelopmental relationships between adult friends. Today I want to discuss the interdevelopmental relationship between an adult and a young child.
We put a lot of energy into helping children develop into happy, healthy adults. But sometimes we forget how they tune up our development as adults. Here's a brief list of ways they do that:
~Young children give us an excuse to play. During our busy days, play gets shoved to the bottom of the list. But play is extremely important for adults, too.
~They are quick to forgive; what great role models they are!
~Young children are spontaneous, a way of being that also gets the short straw in many adults' lives.
~They speak their minds! Add a dash of tact, and you have a great recipe for stress reduction in adults.
~Young children reawaken in us the creativity that was schooled out of us. What a blessing!
Spontaneously yours,
**Contact me at to set up a discounted exploratory coaching session on parenting or just about any other topic! Sessions can be done by phone or in person. No strings attached.**
**The "My Two Cents" portion of this post is the copyright of Susan Cleaver.**
**Active member of the TriCounty Community Network, where we're
"partnering to improve health, social and environmental conditions" in our area.**


Anonymous said...

nice blog

Susan said...

Thanks, Bhaskar! I'm glad to have you aboard.