Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More Inspiring Resources

Check these out:

Falter-Barns, Suzanne: "How Much Joy Can You Stand? A Creative Guide to Facing Your Fears and Making Your Dreams Come True"

I love seeing the word "joy" in the title of a book about creativity! Thank goodness the "no pain, no gain" myth around creativity has been replaced by not only the possibility of joy, but the very real benefits of it in the creative process.

Falter-Barnes includes many exercises in the book. One of my favorites poses some very thought-provoking topics for the reader to make lists about, including "What I'm Afraid of Finding Out about My Dream," and "What Will Change If I Succeed at My Dream."

One of my favorite quotes from the book is, "Most failure is not an end in itself but a beginning disguised as an end."

Goleman, Daniel; Kaufman, Paul; Ray, Michael: "The Creative Spirit"

This book covers the inner workings of creativity, creativity in children and at work, and how creativity builds and benefits communities.

My favorite quotes from the book: "When both managers and workers adopt a creative outlook, a subtle but powerful change begins to occur in the workplace," and "Ultimately, a renaissance in creativity will depend on the actions of individuals." (That's us!)

The Imagineers: "The Imagineering Way: Ideas to Ignite Your Creativity"

Who better to learn about creativity from than the team that conceives and creates rides and displays that thousands enjoy at the Disney parks? Even the design of the book is exceptionally creative, inspiring, and fun!

Contributor Michael Sprout cuts to the chase about what we need to be creative: enthusiasm and faith. Another contributor, Bruce Vaughn, advises us to clearly define the creative challenge, and then to "...let go of all the possible solutions you are considering." This way we are not limited by pre-conceived ideas.

McMeekin, Gail: "Twelve Secrets of Highly Creative Women: A Portable Mentor"

McMeekin has divided her book into three "gateways:" "Engaging Your Creativity," "Mastering Your Challenges as a Creative Woman," and "Actualizing Creative Results: The Power of Positive Priorities." In the section on results, she provides two helpful worksheets. The first one is for planning, and the second is for curing procrastination.

The author has interviewed 45 well-known creative women for this book. No wonder she calls it "A Portable Mentor." And this mentor is on call 24/7!

To your success,


P.S. Slots are still available for my personalized complimentary email support, once a week for four weeks. So if you'd like assistance with staying on track with your resolutions, email me at scleaver@dejazzd.com!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

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