Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Let Your Creative Spirit Shine!

"Did you know that the best part of learning to see the spirit in all things is that it makes your world come alive and makes your heart and imagination kick into full-time creativity?" --Sonia Choquette
Last weekend I had the privilege of attending one of Sonia Choquette's workshops. Wow! What a powerful woman! Dr. Choquette ( is a well-known intuitive, teacher, and author.
Most of us in the audience were balancing notebooks on our laps with pens poised to take notes. But Sonia had a better idea. She asked us to put our notebooks away and give our intellects the day off. This workshop, she said, would be about reconnecting with our spirit! This reminded me of one of my favorite quotes (author unknown): "No matter what our attempts to inform, it is our ability to inspire that will turn the tides." So true!
Sonia certainly fits the definition of a lightworker, as defined by fellow metaphysician Dr. Doreen Virture ( "A living human who feels called to help Earth and her inhabitants in a way that uses spiritual energy. For instance, a lightworker might feel called upon to engage in healing, teaching, or artistic work to help make the planet a better place." My guess is that many of you reading this are in that category, too!
In the workshop, we used laughter, music, singing, dancing, and partner exercises that invited our spirits to shine. It was great fun and very inspiring to me in all areas of my life, and it was a quantum leap for my personal development!
In my Reiki training, I learned that the earth's energy is shifting, causing discomfort for many of us as we adjust. Not only does reconnecting with our spirit make us more creative, but it also helps us to raise our own vibratory frequency so we can better function on our changing planet. And here's a bonus: Doing this for yourself helps others to do the same!
If you would like some coaching around this topic, email me at for a complimentary trial coaching tele-session.
Plato said, "If the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul." Sonia and many other metaphysicians believe that our physical and emotional illnesses are often (if not always) a result of cutting ourselves off from our spirit, and therefore from our creativity.
Doreen Virtue intuited the following quote from Diana of Ephesus, a Roman moon goddess: "The moon isn't afraid to shine, nor does it fear attention, ridicule, or rejection. These lower fears sink Earthlings into despair and depression because the soul knows that it's capable of so much more! The soul doesn't like to be harnessed or restrained--oh, no! Unleash yourself completely..." So let you spirit out to play!
Shine on,

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