Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What a Gift...

My long-distance friend and colleague, Droku, passed away one week ago today. He was one of the most amazing people I've ever met.

About 20 years ago, Droku sustained an injury that left him paralyzed from the neck down. He taught me, by his outstanding example, that not only can I handle anything that comes along, but that I can do so with an accepting, positive attitude. And I can still make a difference.

Droku did not just survive...he thrived, and he helped others do the same. He turned his attention to what he could still do, and away from his limitations.

He took teleclasses from his bed to become a life coach, and soon he became a leader in Coachville's virtual community.

Droku operated his computer by using voice-recognition software. He helped many others through his coaching and teaching. He also shared the results of his research about how we can put our personal environments and technology to work for us. To see an example and Droku's photo, go see his guest blog post at

Droku's courage, positive attitude, gentle encouragement, and willingness to share made him quite a powerful role model. What a gift to all that knew him! And that gift will continue to ripple out into the future and touch many more lives in a positive way.

Droku, you will be missed by so many, but you've left us an amazing legacy. Goodbye and thank you, my friend.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The "Perfect" Excuse

What causes perfectionism? It's commonly believed that it results from a fear of criticism. This is just the tip of the iceberg, though.

Consider a more insidious source: the fear of moving out of our comfort zones. Perfectionism steals precious time from activities we consciously wish we had the time to do. But because of our unconscious fears, we use that time to:

~Stay stuck.

~Feel busy without accomplishing much of anything.

~Stall until the "perfect, risk-free" opportunity comes along (which is, conveniently, NEVER).

No matter how much we may want to move forward consciously, a frightened or poorly programmed subconscious will block it in an effort to protect us. We can reassure our subconscious minds by:

~Identifying limiting beliefs and replacing them with beliefs that support our expansion.

~Taking baby steps outside our comfort zones so the subconscious feels less threatened.

~Accepting the fear. The only way out of our comfort zones is through the fear. (See the work of Dr. Susan Jeffers, author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.)

Please comment on your adventures outside of your comfort zone!



P.S. Whether you've taken on a "Plan B" or one has been thrust upon me at to set up a complimentary coaching session called...

*** Plan B: Transforming Transition ***

In this session we'll strategize for your smooth transition to "Plan B" with...

The Five R's of Transformation:

1) Regroup

2) Reframe

3) Reserves

4) Resilience

5) Rewards!


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***

Friday, July 03, 2009

Teach Others to Treat You Well

Here Are a Few Questions to Consider....

~How do you treat yourself ? Teach others by modeling care and respect for yourself.

~Assertiveness: Do you speak up for yourself clearly and directly? Do you stand your ground when being pressured?

~What vibes are you sending out? Others pick up on these whether they realize it or not...and whether you realize it or not! if you're conflicted by limiting beliefs about your own worth, that will show up in your interactions with others!

Write out your out-dated and flat-out wrong beliefs about yourself. Then go back and change them to fit the person you are now...or the person you want to become.

Please take a minute to leave a comment so we can all learn from your experience and insight!


P.S. 'Need more assistance with this? I'm offering...

"Respect 101"
...a complimentary coaching session where we'll discuss the questions above in more depth as they relate to YOU.
Contact me at to set up a session by phone or in person!
P.P.S. for Locals: A hot topic for summer...
"Keeping Your Cool"
~~A new workshop for finding answers to anger~~
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 ~~ 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Douglassville, PA
Contact me soon at for details, as I'll need your prepayment of $20 by Thursday, July 23, 2009.
In this workshop you will learn about...
~Using anger as nature intended~
~What anger is NOT~
~The holistic effects of how you handle your anger~
'Not local? If there's enough interest, I'll run a teleclass also. Let me know at Thanks!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a human services resource at***