Consider a more insidious source: the fear of moving out of our comfort zones. Perfectionism steals precious time from activities we consciously wish we had the time to do. But because of our unconscious fears, we use that time to:
~Stay stuck.
~Feel busy without accomplishing much of anything.
~Stall until the "perfect, risk-free" opportunity comes along (which is, conveniently, NEVER).
No matter how much we may want to move forward consciously, a frightened or poorly programmed subconscious will block it in an effort to protect us. We can reassure our subconscious minds by:
~Identifying limiting beliefs and replacing them with beliefs that support our expansion.
~Taking baby steps outside our comfort zones so the subconscious feels less threatened.
~Accepting the fear. The only way out of our comfort zones is through the fear. (See the work of Dr. Susan Jeffers, author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.)
Please comment on your adventures outside of your comfort zone!
P.S. Whether you've taken on a "Plan B" or one has been thrust upon me at to set up a complimentary coaching session called...
*** Plan B: Transforming Transition ***
In this session we'll strategize for your smooth transition to "Plan B" with...
The Five R's of Transformation:
1) Regroup
2) Reframe
3) Reserves
4) Resilience
5) Rewards!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***
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