10. Look for opportunities to express gratitude. The opportunities can be large or small. I like to write "thank you" in the memo line when I'm writing checks, especially for personal services such as massage.
9. Re-frame negative situations by looking for the "jewel in the mud," and being grateful for it.
8. Over-deliver with added value for your patrons to show your gratitude for their support of your work.
7. Show gratitude to and for yourself! Your creative expression is unique. It not only deserves your thanks, but it flourishes as a result.
6. Write thank-you notes when they are least expected. These are the most meaningful kind, and the most fun to write!
5. Start a "Warm and Fuzzy" file, and fill it with the expressions of gratitude that come to you from others. Look through it whenever you're having an "off" day.
4. Use sincere gratitude to prevent creative blocks and to raise your energy.
3. Avoid "when, then" thinking, such as "When I'm accepted by a gallery, then I'll be happy." Be happy and grateful now, and you'll greatly improve your odds of having more to be grateful for in the future.
2. List the things you are grateful for...with a twist. Here's what works best for me: I date my list for one month from the day I'm writing it. I mix in things that have already manifested with things that are on the way, but I write them all as if they are already here. These two strategies make it much easier to get used to the idea and feeling of the items being true. After all, in a month, they could be, right?
1. Please comment on this post if you are grateful for it! :-)
P.S. for locals: Please see my 2/27 post for details about the Boyertown Wellness Council Health Fair, coming up on Saturday, March 21, or email me at scleaver@dejazzd.com for more info. I hope to see you there!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
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