We have all been blessed with the wonderful gift of creativity. (Yes, even those of you who don't see yourselves as creative...yet!) We have been entrusted with a sacred stewardship of this precious gift. Here are a few ideas for nurturing and protecting it.
Roots and Wings
Your creative nature needs the security of a strong root system. This includes taking excellent care of the vehicle through which it emerges...you! Also, keep financial pressure off of it and you by arranging a dependable way to stay solvent while your creative dreams are developing. You may need to keep a full-time or part-time job and/or simplify in order to do this, depending on your situation. I know, it's a bummer, but you will be glad you did.
Learning and practicing your craft will help provide roots, too. So does patience.
Your creativity also needs wings! The wings can be developed and strengthened by the following, to name a few:
- intuition
- passion
- enthusiasm
- experimentation
- joy
- play
- authenticity
- spirituality
Trust Yourself
I love this quote from Dr. John Dimartini: "When the voice and the vision on the inside become more profound and more clear and loud than the opinions on the outside, you've mastered your life." Dr. Dimartini is one of the teachers from the DVD/book/audiobook The Secret (www.thesecret.tv).
Protect Your Ideas from Premature Criticism
Examine and adjust your self-talk and limiting beliefs about yourself and your work. Share your blossoming ideas only with those you can trust to give them the gentleness they need to thrive.
Review My Past Posts
Most of my past posts offer ideas that will also help you to best carry out the fulfilling responsibility of creative stewardship.
Share What You Know
As we support each other in this effort, we are taking the idea to creative stewardship to a higher level by supporting not just our own, but the creativity of our world community. So please share your ideas, comments, and questions here, and anywhere else that they will stimulate thought and elevate the positive effects of the creative process.
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