Friday, October 30, 2009

Stop Striving and Start Thriving!

Here are five reasons to stop striving:
  1. Striving creates a feeling of lack. It puts us out of alignment with what we want, because it has us focus on what we don't have.

  2. Striving keeps us living for the future. We lose touch with mindfulness and gratitude for what we already have.

  3. Striving is very poor self-care. It can burn us out.

  4. Striving turns other off.

  5. Striving blocks creativity!

Sure, we can have goals and move toward them. We just need to leave out the hurry, worry, pining, pushing, and struggling that striving fosters. We can let inspiration gently take us by the hand and lead us to our goals.

All my best,


P.S. Does this complimentary intro session have your name on it?

***Plan B: Transforming Transition***

In this session, we'll strategize for your smooth transition to Plan B with...

The Five R's of Transformation:

1) Regroup

2) Reframe

3) Reserves

4) Resilience

5) Rewards!

Whether you've taken on a Plan B or one has been thrust upon me at to set up a complimentary in-person or tele-session!

***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Make Your Home Your Sanctuary

"You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success -- or are they holding you back?" ~~W. Clement Stone


Make your home a comforting, supportive place for you, your family, your friends, and your creativity! No matter how modest your home is, with a little imagination you can find places in it to relax, play, and welcome friends.

Create harmony with and for the people you live with. They are part of your environment! Help your kids to feel that it's their sanctuary, too...a haven away from the stresses of school and peer pressure. Help them decorate their rooms in ways that reflect their interests.

Make your home a desirable place for the kids to invite their friends to. Older kids need a safe place for their belongings if there are little ones in the family.

Have spaces that encourage family interaction as well as spaces for quiet times, even if it's just part of a room or even a closet that has been remodeled into a desk, craft area, or home altar.

Declutter and organize your space to make room for new things and experiences to come into your life. Let go of things that no longer reflect your taste or interests. Less is more!

Always keep supplies on hand for creative projects for the kids and the adults. When the muse visits, you'll be ready! Personally, I'm often inspired by the materials themselves, so keeping lots on hand is essential for me.

Do your own decorating or work very closely with whoever is doing it. You want your home to reflect you and to make you happy and relaxed.

Do you feel overwhelmed when you try to study Feng Shui? If so, just follow the suggestions in this what pleases you, don't allow clutter to accumulate, and arrange things in a way that allows a free flow of energy through your home.

Make a gratitude list of the people, pets, and things that make you revel in spending time at home. If you like pets, they are great Feng Shui for you! Our little Silky Terrier, Sunny, keeps our spirits up and the energy moving with her antics. I call her our VP of Feng Shui! :-)

Please comment on what makes you feel good about your home.


P.S. What? You haven't had your complimentary intro session or tele-session with me yet? Consider this topic....

***Respect 101: Teach Others to Treat You Well***

We'll discuss the questions below as they apply to YOU:

~How do you treat yourself?

~Do you speak up for yourself clearly, directly, and in a timely manner?

~Do you stand your ground when being pressured?

~What vibes are you sending out about how you expect to be treated?

~What limiting beliefs from the past are hindering you in asking for the respect you deserve?

Contact me at to set up your appointment!


***Tuesday, November 17, from 11:30 am to noon, I'll be interviewed on Davette Harvey's Blog Talk Radio show!***


P.P.S. for Locals:

My November Schedule ~~ Contact me at for more info.

Friday, November 13, from 7 to 9 pm in Douglassville, I'll be facilitating a...

***Craft Workshop for the Holidays or Any Days!***

I'll need your prepayment by Friday, November 6.

The fee of $40 includes instruction, all materials, and use of my tools.

Thursday Evening, November 19, at the Celestial Bodies event in Pottstown, I'll be assisting at the Reiki workshops.

This event is free, but you must pre-register with Pottstown Memorial Medical Center.


Tuesday, November 24, at 6:30 pm, I'll have a table at "Santa's Secret Workshop" in Pottstown.

This event is free, but you must pre-register with McCormick Chiropractic at 610-705-0201.


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a human services resource at***


Thursday, October 08, 2009

Adults Aren't the Only Ones: Over-Scheduled Kids

Do you want your children to grow up knowing how to live creatively and how to be independent thinkers? Here's my two cents...don't let them over-schedule themselves now, while they're young!

Constantly running from one structured activity to another gives kids little time to just "be." Kids need to learn how to use unstructured time in ways they will enjoy.

Kids don't have the judgement and experience to know when they're setting themselves up for stress and overwhelm. It's up to the parents to guide them about leaving time to "chill out" and time for unexpected things that may crop up.

Let's give the kids a chance to hear the "still, small voice" that invites creativity into their lives!

All my best,

P.S. Try a complimentary coaching session with me called...
Start Here; Grow to There!
Are you embarking on a huge project or challenge?
During your phone or in-person session, we'll take a personalized look at three areas where you can take action RIGHT AWAY!
~~We'll get a clear picture of who you'll need to be to best meet your challenge.~~
~~We'll develop a strategy to invite those changes.~~
~~We'll break the project or challenge down into steps that will make it easiest for you to tackle, given your strengths and preferences.~~
To set up a time, contact me at Let's get you moving!
P.P.S. for Locals:
Family Services in Pottstown, PA, Presents an...
Anxiety and Stress Management Group
Facilitated by Sarah Lebo
Six Tuesday Evenings Beginning October 13, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at
Family Services, 1976 East High Street, Pottstown, PA 19464.
This program is FREE.
For more information or to register, contact Sarah Lebo at 610-326-1610 ext. 499 or
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***
***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at

Friday, October 02, 2009

It's Fall...Do You Know Where Your Immunity Is?

Creative living begins with taking care of your physical and emotional health. In this holistic world of ours, of course, these areas are intricately related.

Here's a list of resources for you to check out to tune up your immune system physically and emotionally:

Chiropractic Care has helped me in more ways than I can count. It has been so instrumental in supporting my immune system, I would continue to get chiropractic care just for that reason alone! When you think about it, how can we expect any of our systems to work well when nerve signals and energy flow are blocked?

Reiki is an energy practice that I use on myself, offer to others, and teach. It supports your body's efforts to prevent and heal illness as well as to ward off stress and anxiety.

Shiatsu is a delightful form of massage that's based on the energy meridian system in the body.

Keep those endorphins flowing with...

~healthy relationships

~community involvement



~hobbies that you love

~being in nature


Monitor Your Self-Talk. As best-selling author Mike Dooley says, Thoughts become things!" ( So...when you get the sniffles, do you say, "By tomorrow I'll be stuck in bed with a fever!" Or do you say, "My body is escorting the germs 'off the premises' as we speak!" Remember to expect what you want, not what you don't want.

To your health,

P.S. 'Haven't had a complimentary coaching session with me yet? How about this topic....

Get Your Mojo Back!

During our phone or in-person session, we'll take a look at three areas where you can take action right away!

~~~Your Values~~~Your Passions~~~Your Self-Care~~~

To set up a time, contact me at or 610-385-3766.


***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***

***Member of the TriCounty Community Network, a local human services resource at***
