Monday, May 02, 2011

Reminder! Global Teleconference Event Tomorrow, May 3, 2011!

Photo (c) Irving

Global Spring Cleaning Party via Teleconference Line!

Autumn Cleaning Party for Folks in the Southern Hemispere!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm Eastern

Cleaning by yourself isn't much fun! Call in at the top of each hour (7, 8, and 9) to support others and be supported.

During our breif calls, we'll declare to each other what we'll be working on for the coming hour and what we accomplished in the previous hour.

I'm not charging to host this event and no RSVP is required. Your only expense is whatever your long-distance carrier normally charges you for calls to the 712 Area Code in the US. The teleconference service itself is complimnetary.

Here's the number to call:

712-432-3973, PIN Code 7280202

Questions? Contact me at, 610-385-3766, or by using the comment button below.

We'd love to have you on the calls!




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