Saturday, November 23, 2013

Two Sites, Twice the Gratitude!

Photo (c) Susan Cleaver

I took this photo years ago, out of my gratitude for the beautiful sunrise. Like many of you, I'm a big fan of gratitude lists and journals.

In the last few months, I found two sites featuring gratitude journals. They're both fun and easy, and I want to make sure all my readers know about them!

Photo (c) iStockphoto/Warchi

The first one is called Happy Rambles (TM), and you can find it at  You, the writer, can choose to write yours in any form that pleases you.  

The site also encourages you to add photos if you wish.  It reminds you by email when it's time to write again.  It also allows you to save your entries.

I use this site, but I have no other affiliation with it.  I just like it!

Photo (c) iStockphoto/VickyLeon

The second site I'd like to introduce you to is Laura West's "Joyful Business" site.  (Again, I'm just a happy user of her site, with no other affiliation.) 

To get to her gratitude journal, use this link:  

This one is a little more structured, but you'll still usually have the elbow room to express yourself as you wish.  There are a few playful but provocative questions in the structure.  Laura's journal allows you to print out what you've written when you're done.

I've been following Laura West's work for years before I came upon this journal.  I like the content and style of her site. 

Photo (c) iStockphoto/IrvStock

I hope you'll find these two sites to be helpful and fun!  Please let the rest of the creative4life Community know how they work for you.

Coach Susan

The Great-Life Advocate (TM)


Results of the "Fall 15" Challenge!

In my last post (11/3/13), I put out a "Fall 15" Challenge with three choices of challenges, each involving the number 15 in some way.  I hope some of you tried one and found it helpful.  We'd all love to hear about your results!

Here are mine!  I chose the second challenge, "Find 15 items in your home to donate to charity within the next 15 days."  I started on November 3, so I had until November 18. 

I'm happy to say that I finished finding and packing up the 15 items by November 6, and they were off our property and donated the next day to Goodwill Industries.

I feel good about making the donations, and I'm glad to have them out of our home and back in circulation again for people to buy for very low prices.  It sure beats sending them to a landfill! 


Have you ever wondered if your work could be better and easier by knowing a few basic coaching skills that you and I could tailor to your job?

It's true for most any line of work!  
Here are a few examples:

Middle Managers 
Small-business owners with a few employees 
Social workers
Leaders of non-profit organizations
Guidance counselors
Research and Development Teams
Health care workers 

Let's talk about it!  Please email me here to set up an informal consultation.  It's complimentary and eye-opening!

~All of Susan's posts are copyright Susan Cleaver.~

~Member of the local TriCounty Community Network at

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Bring Your Own Bliss (BYOB), Part 3

Last spring, I wrote 2 posts about bliss (BYOB), 3/28/13 and 4/4/13.  More recently, an enthusiastic reader suggested that I expand on the topic, so that's my mission for this post.  

Photo (c) iStockphoto/Igor Demchenkov

Reading through the first 2 posts on bliss, I see that I need to expand on the "doing" step of the "be, do, have" cycle.

"We are the gateway from the numinous world to the practical world."

~Rick Jarow

The tricky part about the "doing" step is learning to discern between an action that seems to be the most logical and obvious and the inspired action.  
If we dive into the first action we can think of just to get things moving, this will backfire!

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and all science."  ~Albert Einstein

In the quote above, Einstein praised "the mysterious."  In our "doing," we need to let go and wait for "the mysterious" synchronicity or intuition to tap our shoulders.  There's nothing to strive for, but we do need to be watchful for the "green light," and trust it when it arrives.  That's inspired action!   

"...somehow, perhaps beyond perception, there was a great click, after which suddenly a new friend appeared, an idea was imparted, or a connection established, causing the tides to turn and the floodgates to open."  ~Mike Dooley

  Photo (c) iStockphoto/Brian Jackson

When we come upon the moment for "inspired action," we must move on it right away.  The timing is very important!  We can't let "practical" thoughts deter us; we must go on faith.  When we do, we see the manifestation (the "have" part of the cycle).

"Dreams pass into the reality of action, from this action stems the dream again."  ~Anais Nin

Coach Susan

The "Fall 15" Challenge!

Choose one of these 15-Day Challenges, follow through, and let us all know how it went!

Unplug the TV for 15 days.

Find 15 items in your home to donate to charity within the next 15 days.

Make an apology or accept one within the next 15 days.

P.S.  I'm choosing the second one, finding 15 items to donate.  My countdown starts today, November 3, 2013!


For Locals

The 2013 Senior Health Expo, Thursday, November 14
9:00 am till 1:30 pm, at the historic Sunnybrook Ballroom
50 Sunnybrook Rd., Pottstown, PA

No admission fee for attendees!

Please stop by my exhibit! I'd like to get to know you better, and I have some great information and worksheets for you.  

Many thanks to our generous sponsors, Mark Painter (State Representative of District #146), the Pottstown Mercury, and the TriCounty Community Network at


Save the Date for My "Holiday Reiki Rescue" (from the mall madness!)

7:00 to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, December 3, 2013, in Douglassville, PA

Details, consisting of mostly pampering, will be announced in my next post! 


All posts on creative4life are (c) Susan Cleaver.