We've been coaching each other since the 1970's, even though we didn't call it that. We just clicked so well that we instinctively provided each other with nurturing and wisdom that we didn't even know we were capable of!
My Recent and Treasured Email from Tina Marie
You'll be proud of me, I hope.
I published my first co-authored book, and the proof is on its way to me. I already have enough advance orders to make a 200% profit on my investment! https://www.createspace.com/3486640
I created a website for my new business. It is just in draft format now, though it is out there: http://mysite.verizon.net/res113jik/. I found two distributors for my music and just need to add PayPal links before promoting the site!
I am working with my Godson, Eric, to create music also, and play music for events. Here's the draft of our website: http://mysite.verizon.net/res113jik/spiritualalchemy/.
The Wonderment Journey continues, and the Best is Yet to Come...
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
So, can you see how our relationship is interdevelopmental? There is no way that I could have made this happen for Tina Marie, no matter how powerful my coaching may be.
I dropped seeds of inspiration in some very fertile soil here. I shared my intuitions with her. I mirrored to her how she looks from my eyes. I encouraged her. And she has done the same for me on many occasions.
Tina Marie knew that she had to tackle these projects in her own way and time, just as we all do. And she's in the Divine Flow of things, as you can see! That's because she doesn't strive, resist, or try to '"push" the river. She waits for the intuitive clicks to whisper to her about the right actions at the right times...for the right reasons!
When you check out her sites, you'll see that Tina Marie is skilled in many areas, and that she creates the quiet and stillness she needs in order to hear the "still, small voice" of her intuition.
She has always been an amazing woman, and this past year in particular, she has gone well beyond amazing...and in ways that many, many people and animals on this planet will benefit from. And I am definitely one of those fortunate people!
Maybe you have some amazing friends like Tina Marie. If so, please leave a comment and let us know about them!
If you are looking for amazing friends who are suited just for you, here are the "secret sauce" ingredients:
~List the qualities you'd like to have in those friends. (Caution: Qualities only; don't focus in on particular individuals.)
~Develop these qualities in yourself.
~Go to where people with these qualities hang out and interact with them. The rest will take care of itself. You'll love it!
All my best,
P.S. 'Want some support carrying out these ideas? Contact me at scleaver@dejazzd.com to set up a discounted Exploratory Coaching Session with me by phone or in person!
P.P.S. Many thanks to my blog followers, SPIRITCOACH & DENAGRAD! I appreciate your interest!
And one more thing...I'm an active member of the TriCounty Community Network, where we are...."Partnering to improve health, social and environmental conditions" in our area. Check us out at http://www.tcnetwork.org/!
For someone with my interests and passions, TCN is a great environment in which to make a difference AND to enjoy the company of great friends who are up to amazing things!
***All of Susan's creative4life posts are copyright of Susan Cleaver.***